James Bransford, who steered himself and many others away from addiction, dies at 89 Obituary – AUGUST 15, 2020 - “The nation lost a hero when John Lewis passed away, and our community lost our own hero when Judge Bransford’s father, Jim Bransford, passed away,” Judge Kevin Burke wrote in an e... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionAugust 18 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRecovery Advocate
Officer assists woman with drug addiction Good Cop, Great Cop – August 15. 2020 - Fisher, of Mahoning Township, was called to make an arrest last year for a drug offense of a Montgomery County woman. “I was investigating a prescription fraud, and my inves... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 18 2020CompassionDrug Abuse and AddictioninterventionRecovery
Q&A with Recovery 2.0’s Tommy Rosen Stick with the Winners! – August 9, 2020 - Tommy Rosen is an internationally renowned yoga teacher and addiction recovery expert who has spent the last 3 decades immersed in recovery and wellness. He holds advanced c... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 18 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictionHeroin AddictionRecoveryRecovery Advocate
Actor overcomes addiction, succeeds in Hollywood WATCH – From the street to Spago’s – August 14, 2020 - He wound up in New Mexico, right when the state started luring movie productions to the area with their tax incentives. “The Book of Eli comes to town and t... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 18 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictionRecovery
Overdose Deaths Stratified Among Latinx People No Walls – August 12, 2020 - Nationally, Hispanic people, the category selected by data, see far lower rates of overdose deaths than non-Hispanic white people. But Hispanic people are not a monolith, and there is con... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 18 2020Drug Abuse and Addictionfentanylopioid crisisopioidsOverdose
Pill mill Doctor to spend 20 years in prison Greed Kills – August 14, 2020 - In some cases, he wrote prescriptions in combinations that were dangerous even if used correctly. One patient, Ashley Adkins, was prescribed Oxycodone — an opiate pain medicine — and a... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 18 2020Big PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and Addictionopioid crisisOverdoseoxycontin
Oakland’s Darren Waller is living proof you can beat addiction One yard at a time – August 14, 2020 - “He’s a big inspiration to us,” said Raiders defensive back Lamarcus Joyner. “He’s actually a leader. So I’m pretty sure you know of his story. Just to see a guy go through that... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 18 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRecovery Advocate
Demi Moore Had 24/7 Help to Keep Her Sober on the Set of St. Elmo’s Fire Winner! – August 13, 2020 - Lowe describes their behavior in the St. Elmo‘s days as “f*#king wild.” And Moore admits that director Joel Schumacher hired a 24/7 paid companion to keep her sober on set, who stayed with... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 18 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictionRecovery
How Downtown Eastsider battled heroin addiction and won WATCH – A Happy Story – August 9, 2020 - After back-to-back months of record illicit drug overdose deaths in B.C., a man who successfully fought addiction on Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside is now hoping to show othe... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 18 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictionHeroin AddictionRecovery
Teen vapers up to 7 times more likely to get COVID-19 WATCH – Must be awesome – August 11, 2020 - So when an unfamiliar virus began sending scores of patients to the hospital with failing lungs, doctors wondered whether there would be consequences for the newly addicted... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 18 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCoronavirusDrug Abuse and AddictionjuulnicotinesmokingVaping
Cady Groves’ cause of death revealed Alcohol: The deadliest drug of all – August 7, 2020 - Cady Groves was born in Kansas and was living in Nashville when she died. She began her career in 2009 and toured with acts like Good Charlotte, Third Eye ... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionAugust 18 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and Addiction
Former Angels employee charged in connection with Tyler Skaggs’ death Doesn’t look like a murderer – July 7, 2020 - The Drug Enforcement Administration determined in its investigation that Kay had met with Skaggs and had text exchanges with him regarding drugs the night before the pitc... Read More...August 11 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and Addictionfentanyl
Coronavirus Crisis Disrupts Treatment for Another Epidemic: Addiction Crazy Times! Drugs Can Kill! – August 2, 2020 - And that has left people who have another potentially deadly disease — addiction — with fewer opportunities for treatment, while threatening to reverse their recovery g... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionAugust 11 2020CoronavirusDrug Abuse and AddictionRecovery
Duo helps people suffering from addiction WATCH – Human interest story – August 5, 2020 - “According to numbers I received from the 911 center, we’ve had 277 911 calls involving overdoses. Last year, for the whole year of 2019, I think we had 360. So ... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionAugust 11 2020CoronavirusDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRecovery AdvocateRehab
Church conversion into addiction facility as residents protest Doesn’t sound very Christian – August 7, 2020 - “So, to me, I see that there’s clear need in Millville for this type of in-and-out patient addiction recovery service,” Worthington said. “There are people here now who... Read More...12 Step ProgramAddiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionAlcoholics AnonymousAugust 11 2020Drug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRecovery AdvocateRehab
Melissa Etheridge realized she couldn’t save her drug-addicted son Nothing compares 2 this – August 7, 2020 - “There were things out of my control, of course,” the 59-year-old told Rolling Stone. “And there came a time when I needed to really sit down with myself and say, ‘I can’t s... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 11 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionInterviewOverdose
Ex-Heroin Addict: Went From Rock Bottom to Mergers, and the Title of CEO LISTEN – Shooting up... – August 7, 2020 - He had gone well past the ability of blending in and he exits the car, pretends to be a hotel patron and fails at scoring a cup of free coffee. Dedicated in his... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 11 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionHeroin AddictionRecovery
Obituary for Sarah Murphy NO WORDS – August 6, 2020 - She gave of herself to everyone she met in big ways and small, a smile, a helping hand, or a reassuring hug. Her addiction took so much from her. It took her desire to do the things she lo... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 11 2020Drug Abuse and AddictionOverdoseRecoveryrelapse
Some say pandemic caused them to go back to their addiction WATCH – Almost Heaven, West Virginia – August 8, 2020 - Santrock said the stress of COVID-19 along with isolation from the lock down in March caused him to overdose. “We’re addicts. We love to taking the easy road... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 11 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCoronavirusdepressionDrug Abuse and AddictionlonelinessOverdoserelapse
The Passing of Terence T. Gorski OBITUARY for Pioneer – July 24, 2020 - He founded CENAPS (Center for Applied Sciences), a private firm that provides training in behavioral health and addiction recovery. Gorski conducted training sessions and worksh... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 11 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRecovery Advocate
Woman had taken meth, heroin, PCP prior to crashing, killing two teen girls The only dis-ease that KILLS OTHERS! – August 6, 2020 - According to an eyewitness, Whitaker’s demeanor showed she was “out of it” and appeared under the influence. The arrest report also outlined that the ... Read More...Alcohol AddictionAugust 11 2020Drug Abuse and AddictionHeroin Addictionlife expectancy
The Dynamics of Relapse: Cunning, Baffling and Predictable by Terence Gorski and Spero Alexio Terrence Gorski died July 2. He will be missed! – 2020 - Conducting a Relapse Autopsy is Crucial So, if relapse is a process rather than an event, how does one identify their unique pattern and interrupt it... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionAugust 11 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRecovery Advocaterelapse
U.S. Senators Introduce Bill to Confront Rising Threat of Methamphetamine Speed is of the essence – August 8, 2020 - Over the first nine months of the fiscal year, methamphetamine seizures increased by 52 percent, which shows how widely available this deadly drug has become. We must ... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 11 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and Addictionmeth
Addiction threatens a couple in the doc ‘Higher Love’ WATCH – HORRIFYING Documentary – August 6, 2020 - Hasan Oswald’s first movie – part of the 2020 San Antonio Film Festival’s lineup – is a dependable and narrowly focused diorama of drug addiction in urban Amer... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 11 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and Addiction
Mural honoring recovery nears installation You gotta have heART – July 26, 2020 - “‘Now I see in color’ means now I’m able to live my life fully, without being under the influence of a substance,” she said. “There is hope out there, they can find so much more... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 4 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRecovery Advocate
How 1 Panic Attack Led to 15 Years of Psychiatric Drugs Testimonial – July 25, 2020 - Zoloft I was stunned. An anti-depressant? Zoloft? I had seen the commercials before and I even knew a couple of friends who took these drugs. I did not know what to fe... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 4 2020Drug Abuse and AddictionMental HealthRecovery
Pharma Giant Floods Sioux Reservation With Opioids A killing for a living – July 30, 2020 - The pills flowed freely for at least a decade starting in the early 2000s, according to Wolf Necklace and several other members of the tribe who spoke with VICE News for... Read More...August 4 2020Big PharmaDrug Abuse and Addictionfentanylopioid crisisopioids
‘Before I Could Lose 100 Pounds, I First Had To Work On My Mental Health And Sobriety’ Mind Over Matter – July 25, 2020 - At the end of 2019, I was back in an outpatient treatment program to get sober. While there, I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression. But by December 2019, I also had lost 70 po... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 4 2020Drug Abuse and AddictionEating Disorderfood addictionMental HealthObesityRecovery
Recovery Network Programs, Inc. Settles Improper Billing Suit Business as usual – July 27, 2020 - RNP entered into contracts with the State of Connecticut Department of Social Services (“DSS”) to provide behavioral health and substance use disorder services to Medicaid benefici... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 4 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and Addiction
Broadway Dancer Lost His Dream Job to Alcoholism + Addiction Back on the boards ... soon – JULY 27, 2020 - He slowly began to rebuild, surrounded by family members who didn’t care how many Broadway shows he’d done, and he started teaching dance. Last fall, Leff... Read More...12 Step ProgramAddiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionAlcoholics AnonymousAugust 4 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictionRecovery