Stevie Mack is multi-talented, and his comedy includes song, dance, audience participation and magic. He is the Host of The Stevie Mack Show and is the official Comedy Guru on Airbnb experiences. Stevie Mack known for performing stand-up comedy, and one-man shows since the 90’s and featured in a ton of TV shows/movies and over 41 commercials pitching everything from soft drinks to real estate. His one-man show, Diary of a Crackhead was launched at the Hollywood Improv Comedy Lab and awarded Pick of the Week in LA Weekly. Stevie Mack was voted top performer by People magazine in the Oscar nominated Original Motion Picture Soundtrack, “Can’t Stop the Feeling” music video by Justin Timberlake, which also won a Golden Globe, Grammy, and Critics’ Choice Award. Stevie Mack’s acting and comedic talent keeps him sought after for stage, movie, TV, and commercial roles.
Q. If you are in recovery, what was your drug(s) of choice and when is your sobriety date?
A. Cocaine, Heroin, Alcohol, pills. But my favorite was…whatever you had!
Q. What do you like most about 12-step meetings?
A. 12-Step meetings allow me to meet new people in the fellowship, get new sponsees, and scout potential speakers for my Saturday morning meeting at Venice Beach.
Q. Do you think addiction is an illness, disease, a choice, or a wicked twist of fate?
A. I believe addiction is both environmental and hereditary. And I believe it is an illness that we are born with.
Q.Who is your favorite celebrity in recovery?
A. Currently, my favorite celebrity in recovery is me.
Q. If you ever retire, would you prefer to live by the ocean, lake, river, mountaintop, desert, or penthouse?
A. I prefer the ocean. Back when I was tweaking and would get all paranoid, for some reason, all I had to do was make it to the beach and everything was OK. There’s something magical about the ocean’s waves. That’s why I am honored to be secretary of a meeting right out on the sand every Saturday morning.
Q. Is there anything special in your sobriety toolkit that helps keep you sober?
A. Journaling, commitments, a morning routine, and service work.
Q. How do you measure success?
A. I measure success by accomplishing goals. Did I get anything done on my goal chart today? We have a finite time on this earth. How much can I accomplish before the final curtain is drawn? What will be my legacy?
Q. What is your biggest pet peeve?
A. My biggest pet peeve is when people try to get me to make them laugh on the spot after they find out I’m a comedian. Truth is, they’ve been laughing the whole hour that we’ve been talking up to that point.
Q. If you had an extra million dollars, which charity would you donate it to?
A. Salvation Army and RPR Genises House.
Q.Who has been the biggest influence throughout your life?
A. I’ve been influenced by too many to mention, but currently, it’s my wife, my mom, and sober friends.
Q.From what school of thought or teacher did you learn the most from?
A. Norman Vincent Peal, Les Brown, Zigg Ziggler, Tony Robbins. Success through a positive mental attitude. Gotta plan your work and then work your plan. The Idealist helped me to form my very own, 30-day Goal Chart Group.
Q. Where are you from and where do you reside now?
A. Born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. I’ve been around the world traveling, golfing, and performing on stage and screen, but there’s no place like home…Los Angeles, CA
Q.If you were giving a dinner party for your 3 favorite authors, living or dead, who would they be?
A. John Steinbeck, Alex Haley, Mark Twain, Walter Mosely. My 4th would be Donald Goins, because he helped get me through some tough times and inspired me to write.
Q. What is your Astrological sign?
A. Scorpio – November 21st.
Q. What’s your concept of a Higher Power?
A. My Higher Power’s pronouns are “it” and “that”. I believe God is either everything or nothing at all. So, I go with the everything angle. An intelligent, yet objective Power.
Q.What book(s) have you read more than once?
A. The Big Book and the 12 & 12… I don’t just read them, I study them, either with groups or alone.
Q.Which film have you watched the most?
A. The Treasures of the Sierra Madre, Idiocracy, Brain Candy, Oh Brother Where Art Thou, How High, The Hateful 8
Q.Who is your favorite film director?
A. Steve McQueen, Anton Fuqua, Quentin Tarantino…Frances Ford Coppola, Steven Spielberg and Stevie Mack.
Q. What surprised you most about living sober?
A. This too shall pass. Difficulties will eventually pass.
Q. If you could give advice to your younger self what would it be?
A. I would tell my younger self to save 10% of everything you earn no matter what.
Q.What books are you reading now?
A. The Artist’s Way.
Q.What is your favorite App?
A. Google Maps.
Q. Are you binge watching any TV series?
A. Gangs of London, The Bear, Squid Games
Q. What is your favorite play or musical?
A. The Wiz.
Q. Who is your favorite performer, living or dead?
A. Robert Downey Jr.
Q. What is your favorite musician and or band?
A. James Brown.
Q.What is one word you would use to describe yourself?
A. Persistent.
Q. What is your favorite city?
A. Los Angeles.
Q.What is your favorite hotel?
A. St. Ermin’s in London.
Q. What sport(s) do you like to play or watch?
A. Watch Basketball, play golf.
Q. What is your favorite restaurant?
A. Houston’s…now called Hilltop.
Q.What is your favorite cuisine?
A. Chinese food and Soul food
Q. What is the best piece of advice someone has given you?
A. My friend told me what type of woman to marry so I did.
Q. What is the best piece of advice you’ve given someone else?
A. Don’t get involved in nothing that you don’t want to do for the rest of your life. Because right now is all you have.
Q.Have you ever been arrested and, if so, what for?
A. Too many to list. But if you want to get a good laugh about it, come see my one man show “Prison Tales” visit for more info.
Q. What is one thing that always makes you smile?
A. Puppies.
Q. What was the proudest moment in your life?
A. Being an “A” student and on the Dean’s list in college.
Q. What is a style trend you wish would come back?
A. Suits.
Q.What do you love most about yourself?
A. I love my ability to get over myself and move on.
Q. What are five things you always carry with you?
A. Pen, pad, knife, water, and some cash money.
Q. What is your biggest fear?
A. Not accompanying all my goals and dying insignificant.
Q.Where do you go when you want to be alone?
A. The beach.
Q. What is your biggest regret?
A. Not having sex on prom night…and she really wanted me to hit it. But I was trying to save it because thought we were going to get married LOL.
Q. What is the greatest risk you’ve ever taken?
A. Jumping out of a helicopter to fight fires.
Q. What is something you are currently curious about?
A. Setting up my own streaming.
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