Timmy Solomon, a guide through the Rehab Riviera, dies of overdose at 31 Makes ya wanna holler – Sep. 26, 2020 - “You are out of your mind with worry,” she had said in a phone call from her home in Boston. “And you don’t know where it ends. Well, you do. It ends with death.” Pat... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictionOverdoseSept 29 2020
New addiction program launched as emergency room visits rise WATCH – Expanding Series and Hope – Sep. 23, 2020 - “We’ve come a long way in Georgia since I stepped out of the crack house October 12, 1994 in terms of resources,” he said. “We’ve come a long way as far as stigma... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and Addictioninterventionnonprofit organizationRecoveryRecovery AdvocateRehabSept 29 2020
‘The Centers’ CEO resigns in Ocala Intriguing – Sept. 13, 2020 - “Along the way, through each and every one of those mergers and acquisitions, the organization has gotten stronger, has provided a better level of care and we’re able to respond to commu... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionMental Healthnonprofit organizationRecoveryRecovery AdvocateRehabSept 22 2020
Struggling addicts turn to telehealth for better or worse Soulless Screens? – Sept. 14, 2020 - Amid the global pandemic, group gatherings have become nearly impossible. Weddings have been put on hold indefinitely, schools are turning to virtual learning and offices are enco... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCoronavirusdepressionDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRehabSept 22 2020
Nikki Sixx talks recovery, sobriety WATCH – Sixxed to the twelve steps – Sept. 15, 2020 - But then again, there was a time when people wouldn’t have expected Sixx, now age 61, to even be alive in 2020. As chronicled in his harrowing memoir The He... Read More...12 Step ProgramAddiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionAlcoholics AnonymousBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRecovery AdvocateRehabSept 22 2020
Family sells t-shirts to benefit overdose victim’s child WATCH – The little ones left behind – Sep. 14, 2020 - Both men were into racing so the Schultz family hopes these t-shirts in his memory alert others to the danger of street drugs laced with fentanyl. “I hope they... Read More...Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionfentanylLeonard Buschellife expectancyOverdoseSept 22 2020
Exploring science, addiction and the soul in ‘Transcendent Kingdom’ WATCH – Mind Blowing – Sep. 15, 2020 - Belief can be tricky. Either you wholeheartedly believe in your faith or you have niggling doubts that crop up at the most inopportune time. The narrator of our latest rea... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediadepressionDrug Abuse and AddictioninterventionMental HealthRecoveryRecovery AdvocateSept 22 2020
$16.7 million grant awarded to reduce drug deaths Sure, anything is possible – Sep. 18, 2020 - The state was awarded $16.7 million Friday to reduce drug-related deaths by funding drug prevention, treatment and recovery support services. The state Department... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRecovery AdvocateSept 22 2020
Common myths about addiction Someone’s happy place – Sep. 16, 2020 - An addict or alcoholic must hit “rock bottom” if they are going to recover. I asked one local counselor to explain “rock bottom” to me. She said “You hit your rock bottom wh... Read More...12 Step ProgramAddiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionAlcoholics AnonymousDrug Abuse and Addictionfood addictionHeroin AddictionRecoveryRecovery AdvocateRehabrelapseSept 22 2020
Walk for Hope brings together those mourning deaths Aren’t we all? – Sep. 19, 2020 - As boys, Justin Reason had a knack for talking his younger brother, Aaron, into a variety of daredevil stunts. Aaron recalled his brother daring him to jump out of a second-s... Read More...12 Step ProgramAddiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionAlcoholics AnonymousCoronavirusDrug Abuse and AddictionOverdoseRecoveryRecovery AdvocateRehabSept 22 2020
Father recovering from addiction confronts past pain ...to create future joy – Sep. 19, 2020 - Families and children mimic our very actions, teaching (in turn) what was taught to us — a long line of broken homes, trauma, abuse, addiction and depression. The be... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictiondepressionDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRehabSept 22 2020
Finding and Maintaining Sobriety During COVID-19 Lionrock Recovery Rocks – Sep. 16, 2020 - National Online Recovery Day was created to bring widespread awareness to the tens of millions of people suffering from SUDs that effective online services and support system... Read More...12 Step ProgramAddiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionAlcoholics AnonymousBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCoronavirusDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRecovery AdvocateRehabSept 22 2020
Did the ‘Benadryl Challenge’ Prompt Warnings of Overdose Risk? Tick Tock on American Teens – Sep. 15, 2020 - In Summer 2020, the so-named “Benadryl Challenge” dared social media users — generally teenagers — to overdose on the common allergy medication Benadryl to elicit ... Read More...Addiction RecoveryDrug Abuse and AddictionOverdoseSept 22 2020teenagers
Q&A with Dr. Jamie Marich Stick with the Winners! September 17, 2020 - Dr. Jamie Marich (she/they) began her career as a humanitarian aid worker in Bosnia-Hercegovina from 2000-2003, primarily teaching English and music while freelancing with... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictionMental HealthRecoveryRecovery AdvocateSept 22 2020
Addiction is a Disease? Maybe? Maybe not. – Sept. 14, 2020 - If addiction is a disease, then we should treat addicts the same way we treat diabetics. The goal in treating diabetics is not to cure diabetes but to limit its harm: Treatm... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and Addictionmethopioid crisisopioidsRecoverySept 22 2020
What Everyone Should Know About Teen Suicide Prevention We can all help... September 18, 2020 - Experts say it’s too soon to tell whether suicide rates are already spiking as a result of the pandemic. But they warn that the risks are significant. The authors of a rec... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCompassiondepressionDrug Abuse and AddictioninterventionMental HealthRecoveryRecovery AdvocateRehabSept 22 2020suicideteenagers
NY charges Johnson & Johnson with fraud over opioid claims Innocent until proven greedy – Sep. 17, 2020 - “Misrepresentation of opioids to consumers for profit is inexcusable,” Cuomo said in a statement. Johnson & Johnson did not immediately respond to requests for comme... Read More...Big PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionfentanylSept 22 2020
Doctor faces charges for over-prescribing for cash after 2 patients die Paging Dr. Morte – Sep. 17, 2020 - Now the Scranton doctor accused of over-prescribing opioids in exchange for cash incentives from a drug manufacturer is facing federal charges for his allegedly illegal prescr... Read More...Big PharmaDrug Abuse and Addictionopioid crisisopioidsOverdoseSept 22 2020
Owner of substance abuse facilities accused of sexually assaulting patients Prison sounds too nice – Sept. 17, 2020 - The owner of several Houston substance abuse recovery facilities has been accused of sexual assaulting three women he met as patients, according to court records. Durin... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRehabSept 22 2020Trauma
Making guitars saved a man from addiction CNN WATCH! – Sep. 18, 2020 - Earl Moore is a recovering opioid addict who found peace and achieved sobriety after discovering his passsion for crafting instruments. Moore discovered the power of opioids to take th... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRehabSept 22 2020
People with addiction disorders at greater risk for COVID-19 Lighting up the virus – Sep. 19, 2020 - Study co-author Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse, said people with addiction disorders often have compromised lungs and cardiovascul... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCoronavirusDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoverySept 22 2020
What Happened Inside Ed Buck’s Apartment? Real Life Hollywood Horror – September 16, 2020 - One death is a tragedy; two deaths are a pattern. As the strange events on North Laurel Avenue captured the attention of the national media, a shocking new detail cam... Read More...Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionmethSept 22 2020
99 Purple Flags Posted For Overdose Awareness Lives lost forever – Sept. 11, 2020 - Unwanted medications can sometimes end up in the wrong hands, which is a contributing factor to the opioid epidemic. “We usually have an annual candlelight vigil at Ech... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionOverdoseSept 15 2020
Vaping Links to Covid Risk Becoming Clear Smoke gets in your lungs... – Sept. 4, 2020 - At one point, Mr. Moein said, his doctors gave him a 5 percent chance of survival. He resolved that the wax pen he had vaped before his hospitalization would be hi... Read More...Addiction RecoveryCoronavirusDrug Abuse and AddictionjuulSept 15 2020Vaping
A recovering addict used art as an outlet to sobriety Talent and Tenacity – Sept. 8, 2020 - Ryan Ekmark used art as an outlet that helped him on his road to recovery and sobriety. He has since turned his wood art into a business named Recovered Calling. more@Da... Read More...Addiction RecoveryDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRecovery AdvocateRehabSept 15 2020
People recovering from substance use disorder confront their trauma with politically incorrect jokes: ‘Laugh at my pain’ Laughing your way to sobriety – Sept. 8, 2020 - There are a number of ways to recover from the trauma of substance use disorder — including 12-step programs, medication, treatment centers and counseling. Rarely does ... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCompassionDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRehabSept 15 2020
Overdoses rise in South Florida Too many sunsets – Sept. 13, 2020 - Florida reported 5,621 overdose deaths, a 14% increase from January 2019 to January 2020, according to figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And in parts of ... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionDrug Abuse and AddictionOverdoseSept 15 2020
System of Addiction Treatment Requires Reimagining Recovery No one way? Or no any way? – Sept. 11, 2020 - Further still, when a life event, such as a death in the family, divorce, etc. demands real clinical care, they simply increase a patient’s dosage. The aforement... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRecovery AdvocateSept 15 2020
Mighty Ducks Star Shaun Weiss (not a hockey player) celebrates 265 Days of Sobriety with New Teeth Is there a chip for 8.8 months? – Sept. 10, 2020 - Shaun Weiss was arrested again at the beginning of the year over burglary charges and drug charges. He was placed in jail and The Mighty Ducks fan community ra... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoverySept 15 2020
Revamped OxyContin hasn’t stemmed ODs No, really? – Sept. 12, 2020 - The surge of painkiller abuse that started in the 1990s has long been linked to OxyContin, which launched in 1996. Unlike the original drug, the revamped version was found to limit a... Read More...Addiction RecoveryDrug Abuse and AddictionfentanyloxycontinPurdue PharmaSept 15 2020