Candid Royalty –

OCTOBER 30, 2019-  Outwardly, life may have seemed picture perfect, but Douglas began using drugs in his teens. By his 20s, he was injecting cocaine and later, heroin. His increasingly erratic behavior estranged him from his family and derailed his career as an actor and DJ. Eventually, he turned to drug dealing to feed his habits. That ultimately resulted in a seven year stint in federal prison for distributing methamphetamine, two years of which were spent in solitary confinement.

Released in 2016 and having kicked his addictions, Douglas is opening up about his struggles in “Long Way Home.” The memoir is frank, compelling, at times heartbreaking, and ultimately triumphant. It recounts the devastating impact that his drug abuse had on his loved ones and also the pressure he felt as the scion of a celebrity family. It also illustrates the pernicious ability of addiction to derail the lives of people at every strata of society. Douglas sat down with Variety to talk about the message he hopes that readers will take away from his story.

Full Story @Variety