May 1, 2022 – ‘We are not seeing “rock-bottom alcoholics” who look like they have no choice but to quit. Instead, we are seeing people who do not look on the outside like they have a problem with alcohol but nevertheless are making the choice to quit drinking.’

Author of books Why You Drink and How to Stop, Get Sober Get Free, and her newest book Soberful: Uncover a Sustainable, Fulfilling Life Free of Alcohol, Veronica co-hosts the renowned Soberful Podcast with Chip Somers, Russell Brand’s former ‘sober coach’ (now advising the UK government on drug rehabilitation). 

Veronica however focusses on helping women not only recover from alcohol but also to transform their lives. She teaches that alcohol is not the problem — it’s only a symptom of a deeper underlying issue. She helps women dig deep, embrace change, and ‘become who they are meant to be’. 

‘I return people to themselves,’ she says.

We chatted with Veronica about her take on happiness – and why ditching alcohol might be a key part of the puzzle.
