MEDIA: Overlook Hotel Revisited – 

NOVEMBER 30, 2019  –  Kubrick’s film is iconic for a reason. Wonderful central performances by Jack Nicholson and Shelley Duvall anchor a series of indelible images that stick with the viewer long after watching: A river of blood spilling out from an elevator, ghostly twins alternately dead and alive, an axeman lumbering through the halls of an abandoned but reanimated hotel. The film is so chilling that even at its climax, the viewer is more likely to still feel dread rather than catharsis … Ewan McGregor as Dan Torrance could seem to be cynical stunt-casting, as he is the largest star in the cast of lesser-known actors. However, he shines (!) in the role as he runs the whole gamut of who the character truly is. In the opening he is a convincing man at rock bottom, then as it progresses he becomes a more confident presence, though when confronting the horrors of his past he can seem every bit the scared child of Kubrick’s original.

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