Rite Aid Sued for Allowing “millions of opioid pills” to Flow Illegally From Stores MORE THAN THE CARTELS? – March 15, 2023 - The lawsuit, filed in Cleveland federal court, said Rite Aid repeatedly filled prescriptions from May 2014 to June 2019 that were medically unnecessary, for off-label use or ... Read More...Big PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionMar 21 2023opioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinTrauma
Denmark’s Opioid Crisis: Kids as Young as 12 Hooked on Tramadol, ‘oxy’ and Other Painkillers VIDEO – ANXIETY IS INTERNATIONAL – Feb. 27, 2023 - “Let’s say they have four friends, then suddenly we’re up to 20-30 young people taking them. And that’s just the ones we know about,” Ekmann said in an interview wit... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBig PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionMarch 7 2023opioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinPurdue Pharma
Harvard Still Siding with the Sackler Family Murderers? AIN’T SO SMART AFTER-ALL – March 1, 2023 - I spent some of the summer after my first year at Harvard Law School working on the case against Purdue Pharma, the company that infamously produced and marketed opioi... Read More...Big PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionMarch 7 2023opioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinPurdue Pharma
Purdue Pharma’s Sackler Selling $30M In Property Amid Opioid Crisis VIDEO – HE CAN’T SELL THE PRISON HIS MIND LIVES IN – Feb. 24, 2023 - Sackler — a member of the billionaire family whose Purdue Pharma was accused of sparking the deadly drug epidemicby aggressively marketing th... Read More...Big PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionMarch 7 2023opioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinPurdue Pharma
How Oxford University Stuck With Sacklers as Opioid Deaths Led Others to Cut Ties BLOOD MONEY = CRIME MONEY – Feb. 21, 2023 - The public outcry over the opioid crisis has provoked most arts and academic institutions previously patronised by the Sacklers to cut ties. The first wave o... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBig PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionFeb 28 2023opioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinPurdue Pharma
Drug Combinations Known to Cause More Overdose Deaths IT’S NOT COMPLICATED – Feb. 20, 2023 - “It presents sort of a problem because in an overdose situation, the Narcan isn’t going to work. It’s not an opiate, so Narcan is not going to reverse it,” Kalfas said. ... Read More...Big PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionFeb 28 2023fentanylHeroin Addictioninterventionopioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinTrauma
New Street Drug Threatening to Make California’s Overdose Crisis Worse WORSE THAN WORSE – Feb. 18, 2023 - In San Francisco, four people who died between December and January were found to have low levels of xylazine in their systems, prompting the city’s Department of Public Healt... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBig PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionFeb 28 2023fentanylHeroin Addictionopioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinTrauma
How AI Can Help Create Drugs To Treat Opioid Addiction ARTIFICIALLY – Feb. 20, 2023 - Kappa-opioid receptors are known to mediate brain rewards. “If you’re addicted and you’re trying to quit, at some point you will get withdrawal symptoms, and those can be really h... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBig PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionFeb 28 2023opioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinRecovery
DID ALEX MURDAUGH SPEND $50K A WEEK ON OPIOIDS? VIDEO – CASH TALKS NOBODY WALKS – Feb. 22, 2023 - Murdaugh clearly had a problem. How bad was it? How much was he spending? Can someone even consume $50K worth of opioids in a week? Experts weigh in. Click@CourtT... Read More...Big PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionFeb 28 2023opioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontin
Alex Murdaugh On Opioid Addiction and Hiring Man to Kill Him VIDEO – IT’S COMPLICATED – Feb. 23, 2023 - Alex Murdaugh addressed his drug use, financial problems, and hiring a man to kill him. Click@WLTX ... Read More...Big PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionFeb 28 2023opioid crisisopioidsoxycontin
Can More Arrests Solve Addiction Crisis? VIDEO – HAS IT EVER? – Feb. 20, 2023 - Police to crack down on public drug use; are more arrests key to ending drug crisis? Click@YakTriNews ... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBig PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionFeb 28 2023interventionopioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinRecoveryTrauma
Lisa Marie Presley Ingested Opioids, Lost 50 lbs. Before Death VIDEO – DRUGS CAN KILL ANYONE’S DAUGHTER, EVEN A KING – Jan. 30, 2023 - Presley’s mother Priscilla, 77, recently contested “the authenticity and validity” of her daughter’s will. According to court documents... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictionFeb 28 2023opioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinTrauma
ENGLAND May Be On Brink of Becoming a ZOMBIELAND ONE ZOMBIE AT A TIME – Feb. 14, 2023 - EU drug enforcement chiefs believe that Mexican cartels are seeking to expand their billion-dollar empire beyond American shores, putting Europe’s untapped market in their cross... Read More...Big PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionFeb 21 2023fentanylopioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinTrauma
FDA Panel Backs Making Narcan an Over The Counter Drug OVERDOSE DRUG OVER THE COUNTER – Feb. 15, 2023 - The manufacturer, Emergent Biosolutions, said it would revise the packaging and labeling to address those concerns. The FDA will make a final decision on the dru... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBig PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionFeb 21 2023interventionopioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinRecoveryRecovery AdvocateRehab
Pentagon Finally Stops Hiding Military Overdose Epidemic PURPLE BROKEN HEARTS – Feb. 16, 2023 - The demographics of those hardest hit paralleled the opioid crisisin the civilian population, where people without college degrees have suffered the most from the scourge of opi... Read More...Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionFeb 21 2023interventionopioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinRecoveryTrauma
Simple Way To Reduce Overdose Deaths GOOD NEWS? – Feb. 12, 2023 - As health economists, we separately participated in two recent studies that showed the payoffs from straightforward and inexpensive mailings. In one, researchers fol... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBig PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionFeb 21 2023opioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontin
ANGELS OVER TEXAS: Moms put dead children’s pics on billboards FACING THE FACTS – Feb. 11, 2023 - Now, eight digital and four vinyl billboards have been set up across the state with the faces of the 25 people, who died after taking the drug. The signs also come with a caption th... Read More...Big PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionFeb 21 2023fentanylopioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinTrauma
I Took Oxy And Fentanyl For Years ONE MAN POISON IS ANOTHER WOMAN’S LONGEVITY – Jan. 30, 2023 - This was pain that knifed and throbbed ― that consumed my life. Pain that would cause me to vomit repeatedly, long after my stomach was empty. Pain ... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBig PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionFeb 14 2023fentanylopioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontin
Daughter Dies From Fentanyl Overdose at Rehab Clinic VIDEO – ANOTHER HUMAN TRAGEDY – Feb. 8, 2023 - That was on July 23, but just a few days later, Ryder received news that her daughter was found dead at the facility. “My life shattered,” Ryder said. “I... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBig PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionFeb 14 2023fentanylopioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinTrauma
Administration Eliminated Barrier To Medication For Opioid Addiction ANOTHER BIG PHARMA VICTORY – Feb. 8, 2023 - That requirement had been in place for two decades, and its reversal had been a priority for some activists because the policy discouraged doctors from prescribing th... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBig PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionFeb 14 2023interventionopioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinRecovery
Supreme Court Frees Pill Mill Operator GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD – Feb. 3, 2023 - He was at the center of a Supreme Court ruling in January 2022 that raised the bar for what prosecutors must prove to secure convictions of doctors accused of fueling the U.... Read More...Big PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionFeb 14 2023interventionopioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinTrauma
More Vending Machines With Narcan As Opioid Scene Gets Worse ON EVERY CORNER? – Jan. 29, 2023 - There is, on average, a death a week from opioids in Vine Grove and surrounding Hardin county – not atypical for a region hard hit by the worst drug epidemic in US history. Ma... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBig PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionFeb 7 2023opioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinRecoveryRehab
He Brewed Poppy Tea For His Chronic Pain That Led To His Opioid Addiction SHOULD HAVE STUCK TO ESPRESSO – Feb. 2023 - The authors of the case report noted that the man did not show signs of a substance use disorder when he was taking prescribed opioids, but his use of poppy seed tea was wh... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionFeb 7 2023opioid crisisopioidsoxycontinRecoveryRehabTrauma
200 People Take the Fight Against Addiction Crisis to the Statehouse MARCHING FOR RELIEF – Feb. 2, 2023 - More than 200 people gathered outside the Capitol for a rally to raise awareness about Oregon’s addiction crisis, which has affected thousands and included young and old and resid... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBig PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionFeb 7 2023fentanylinterventionopioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinRecoveryRecovery AdvocateRehab
Son Died From Fentanyl He Bought Through Snapchat VIDEO – SNAPDEATH – Jan. 25, 2023 - On Aug. 15, 2020, Nicholas took his last breath after overdosing on a counterfeit pain pill made with fentanyl. “I was trying everything and anything I could to help him,” said... Read More...Big PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionfentanylJan 31 2023life expectancyopioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinTrauma
Doctor Who Distributed 40-60 Kilos of Oxycontin Laughs at 4 Month Home Sentence VIDEO – NO PAIN, NO SHAME – Jan. 24, 2023 - The third and final defendant in a federal oxycodone case in Baltimore County was sentenced on Tuesday, almost five years after the investigation began. Dr. Norman Rosen, 8... Read More...Big PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictioninterventionJan 31 2023opioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontin
Addiction Crisis Causing Spike In Endocarditis Cases STOP BEFORE IT STOPS YOUR HEART – Jan. 17, 2023 - With drug deaths hovering at an all-time high and endocarditis cases among drug users up nearly tenfold in the last decade, physicians, researchers, and health ... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBig PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictioninterventionJan 24 2023opioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinRecoveryTrauma
‘Injecting Hope’ Watch Documentary VIDEO – FILM MATTERS – Jan. 8, 2023 - From the mayor’s office to the heart of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, ABC7 News meets those trying to solve the drug overdose crisis and those caught in addiction. We hit ... Read More...12 Step ProgramAddiction RecoveryBig PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionfentanylinterventionJan 17 2023opioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinRecoveryRecovery AdvocateRehabTrauma
National Survey on Drug Use and Health Detailing Mental Illness and Substance Use Levels YEP, MANY PEOPLE ARE MESSED UP – Jan. 4, 2023 - Today, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) released the results of i... Read More...12 Step ProgramAddiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionAlcoholics AnonymousBig PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictioninterventionJan 10 2023opioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinRecoveryRecovery AdvocateRehab
The New CDC Opioid Guidelines Abandon Pain Patients VIDEO – WIN WIN LOSE LOSE – Jan. 5, 2023 - Six years later, with millions harmed, the CDC emphasizes that its guidelines should never be used for an “inflexible, rigid standard of care” and “patient abandonment.” Ho... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBig PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionJan 10 2023opioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinPurdue PharmaRecoveryTrauma