$1.2 million sobriety pit stop METHod to the madness? – JULY 28, 2020 - For alcohol dependency, medical intervention may be necessary. Detoxing from alcohol is dangerous and may require a trip to the hospital. Opiates may require treatment that in... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionAugust 4 2020Drug Abuse and Addictionopioid crisisopioidsRecovery
Mother uses book to help others after the loss of her son Interview with author – July 27, 2020 - A: My new book, “Reclaiming My Life,” is a poignant and triumphant journey through the loss of my child to addiction. The book resonates with families who have lost love... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 4 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCompassionDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRecovery Advocate
Nation’s drug overdose epidemic needs new policy focus WATCH – Opinion – July 31, 2020 - Prior Authorization. Despite medical society and patient advocacy, only 21 states and the District of Columbia have enacted laws limiting public and private insurers from imposing pr... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 4 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionOverdose
John Brogan, high-profile addiction specialist, found dead Stay Resolute – July 31, 2020 - Brogan was an addiction recovery specialist who had worked closely with former Ocean County Prosecutor Joseph Coronato in efforts to stem the county’s opioid crisis. That work followed... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 4 2020Drug Abuse and Addictionfentanylopioid crisisopioidsOverdose
Author and business owner recounts his journey to sobriety LISTEN – Back from the dead – July 31, 2020 - Following his coworker’s advice, Jason sought out the doctor but he knew something was very wrong the first time he walked into his office. “I gave the lady at ... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 4 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictioninterventionRecoveryRecovery AdvocateRehab
Demi Moore Says Drug Addiction & Marriage Problems Came From Same Place Reflections – July 29, 2020 - As Moore explains, Schumacher was able to tap into her passion for the work, inspiring her to sobriety in a way that concerns about her own health and safety hadn’t. “Work was the only t... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionAugust 4 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictionRecovery
Doctor’s life of luxury built on naltrexone implants Dr. Frankenstein – July 27, 2020 - A disheveled Rosen sat in the jury box at his preliminary hearing of Monday, July 20, black glasses perched crookedly atop his white face mask, unruly salt-and-pepper stubble blanke... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 4 2020Drug Abuse and Addictioninterventionopioid crisisopioidsOverdose
Addiction-treatment doctor arrested for alleged involvement in $681 million scheme What else is new? – July 31, 2020 - According to the complaint, Ligotti would require patients from these treatment facilities to submit testing and treatments he authorized at Whole Health. Ligotti was then able to ... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 4 2020Drug Abuse and Addiction
California’s Huge Overdose Increase Didn’t Have to Happen Yet it did happen – July 28, 2020 - California is one of the last areas of the country where “black tar” heroin remains available. The viscous consistency that characterizes black tar means it is difficult for suppli... Read More...August 4 2020CoronavirusDrug Abuse and AddictionfentanylHeroin AddictionOverdose
How I Wish My Parents Had Reacted to My Heroin Use Called Betty Ford? – July 31, 2020 - I was too frightened to tell her myself. So I told the nurse practitioner instead. Even when I asked her not to, she would always repeat everything to my mother. Of course ... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcoholics AnonymousAugust 4 2020Drug Abuse and AddictionHeroin AddictionRecovery
How laws protect people in recovery from discrimination WATCH – Know your rights! – July 30, 2020 - “The idea that, quote, ‘it’s a lifestyle’ or a choice is just wrong,” said Francis. An employer has to give a person diagnosed with substance use disorder time off to go... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 4 2020Drug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRecovery Advocate
Overdose Deaths Are Skyrocketing … My Brother’s Was One Of Them. Devastated Nation – July 24, 2020 - His athletic frame became bloated and heavy; his sunny disposition turned lethargic and mean. When he was unable to maintain his law practice, clients left. Although he wa... Read More...CoronavirusdepressionDrug Abuse and AddictionJuly 28 2020Mental HealthOverdose
US Overdoses: Wide Regional Variations Is anywhere safe from Fentanyl? – July 20, 2020 - Meanwhile, the South, as defined by the US Census standard, is faring better than the Midwest. Out of the 12 Midwestern states, all of them saw increases in overdose ... Read More...Drug Abuse and AddictionfentanylJuly 28 2020
FDA tells doctors to discuss overdose antidote with patients Give it to them! – July 22, 2020 - Nearly 71,000 Americans died of drug overdoses last year, a new record driven in part by fentanyl and other illegal opioids. State and local officials have been handing out nalox... Read More...Addiction RecoveryDrug Abuse and AddictionfentanylJuly 28 2020Overdose
Business News Update: Oregon Trail Recovery A Family That Heals Together... – July 26, 2020 - “When I was finally told prison or treatment, I picked treatment and learned my manipulations were no longer going to work for me. As I sobbed about the unfair... Read More...Addiction RecoveryDrug Abuse and AddictionJuly 28 2020RecoveryRecovery AdvocateRehab
New York Hotel to House 283 Homeless Men Recovering from Substance Abuse Movin’ on up – July 24, 2020 - The city has been using hotels — which have mostly been closed or at reduced capacity during the crisis — as temporary homeless shelters for the last few months, because many city shelt... Read More...Addiction RecoveryCompassionCoronavirusDrug Abuse and AddictionhomelessinterventionJuly 28 2020Mental HealthRecoveryRehab
Black-Owned Rehab CEO Petitions on Behalf of Black Addicts Full-court press – July 22, 2020 - With her petition, Young Williams’ goal is to bring attention to the disparities in treatment for people of color fighting addiction and to fund the growing need. She says, “Substan... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictionJuly 28 2020RecoveryRecovery AdvocateRehab
Mother and children likely perished as result of overdose War on drugs kills three more – July 26, 2020 - A missing Forney mother found deceased in Farmers Branch on Thursday most likely died of an overdose and her two children subsequently perished due to a heat stro... Read More...CoronavirusdepressionDrug Abuse and AddictionJuly 28 2020Mental HealthOverdose
Recovery Unplugged Addresses Addiction in Minority Communities Drugs do not discriminate – July 23, 2020 - In continued observance of National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, Recovery Unplugged Treatment Centers is examining and addressing the unique factors that ... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionJuly 28 2020RecoveryRecovery Advocate
David Sheff says: Safe-injection sites should be allowed to protect drug users He's got a point! – July 22, 2020 - Kral and Pete Davidson, at the University of California, San Diego, have studied the illegal site for five years and this week published their findings in The New England Journal o... Read More...Addiction RecoveryDrug Abuse and AddictionJuly 28 2020Overdose
Mysterious brain structure sheds light on drug addiction Science friction? – July 23, 2020 - This mechanism also underlies drug addiction and is the reason why hanging out in an environment or with people associated with memories of drug use often leads to relapse. How o... Read More...Addiction RecoveryDrug Abuse and AddictionJuly 28 2020
DRUGS: What America gets wrong about drugs? WATCH – Everything! – July 20, 2020 - “Why are some drugs legal and others illegal? ... if you ask how and why this distinction got made, what you realize when you look at the history is it has almost nothing to do w... Read More...Addiction RecoveryDrug Abuse and AddictionJuly 28 2020
Sackler Family Could Get Away With Murder Savage Capitalism Prevails – July 22, 2020 - The billionaire Sacklers who own Purdue Pharma, maker of the OxyContin painkiller that helped fuel America’s opioid epidemic, are among America’s richest families. The Jul... Read More...Big PharmaDrug Abuse and AddictionJuly 28 2020oxycontinPurdue Pharma
Bill could make remote addiction treatment permanent Virtual Hugs? – July 15, 2020 - “It’s a good idea because it helps reach people who have challenges getting treatment,” said Scott Rasmus, executive director of the Butler County Mental Health & Addiction Recover... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionCoronavirusDrug Abuse and AddictionJuly 21 2020RecoveryRehab
Prisoner Ran Crack Cocaine Ring From His Cell An inside job – July 13, 2020 - An investigation by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Rhode Island Task Force determined that using his prison call account and the accounts of others, Gome... Read More...Drug Abuse and AddictionJuly 21 2020
CVS Fined … Almost Nothing Druggists do it legally – July 16, 2020 - CVS also agreed to distribute a memo to its pharmacists in the state, highlighting a law that requires them to take action if working conditions in their pharmacies could lea... Read More...Big PharmaDrug Abuse and AddictionJuly 21 2020
A Real Risk: Prescription Drug Addiction During COVID-19 CVS open 24/7 – July 17, 2020 - To the surprise of many, prescription drug addiction is spiking during this period alongside the use of illegal drugs and alcohol. Looking beyond common misconceptions around drug addi... Read More...Big PharmaCoronavirusDrug Abuse and AddictionJuly 21 2020relapse
Doctor arrested, suspected of fraud to feed opioid addiction Addicted Doc – July 15, 2020 - Hughes, who works at Nebraska Foot and Ankle, has written 63 prescriptions for 4,300 pills for Digilio over the last two years, which drug investigators believe was overprescribing, the... Read More...Drug Abuse and AddictionJuly 21 2020opioid crisisopioids
3,000 miles for addiction recovery Walking the walk, coast to coast – July 19, 2020 - People celebrate milestones differently. My wife and I took a cruise to Alaska to commemorate 30 years of marriage. Others do outlandish things while some prefer ... Read More...Addiction RecoveryCompassionDrug Abuse and AddictionJuly 21 2020RecoveryRecovery Advocate
Cliff Brodsky: The Man Who Knew Too Much And Too Little Jailhouse Rock – July 21, 2020 – By John Lavitt When Cliff Brodsky, a successful music producer and songwriter, first met now-imprisoned rehab mogul Christopher Bathum at a 12-Step meeting in 2011, he did not real... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictionJuly 21 2020RecoveryRehab