Jan. 13, 2022 – “I put something like that on there hoping I could encourage someone else to take the leap,” said Gary Schild of Lolo who didn’t go quietly when he decided to take a year off from drinking. “It was a New Year’s resolution, It was about October I just decided it was time to stop. And I made it public on Facebook, like the post because I figured if I had that accountability and all my friends knew that for one year I wasn’t going to drink,” Schild recalled. “I did it for one year, so I had at least this feeling that there was some sort of an out. But I knew in my heart that once I stopped and saw how much better life was — that I was — that would drive me to continue to do it,” he continued.

One year, Schild could do that. He had come to realize alcohol had become too important in his life. He was functional, but always tired, a little foggy, and gaining weight. 
