What’s Behind the Curtain? – 

August 31, 2019 – “I thought he was going to die,” Cheryl says. “He was reaching for things, and he was talking to Bill Gates and he was talking to somebody else I’m just certain he hasn’t met,” his mother, says. She remembers finding Jason lying on the floor of the treatment center in late 2016. “I would just bring him blankets because they didn’t have beds or anything.”  Cheryl had taken Jason to the clinic out of desperation. Cheryl saw his drug use escalate after he was prescribed a benzodiazepine for his anxiety, and he eventually began using heroin and meth. Over the years, Jason would try to get into recovery, but treatment programs didn’t help him for very long.  In late 2016, she saw a local TV news segment about a clinic called Emerald Neuro-Recover. The staff there treats addiction with something called NAD therapy, an IV infusion that can contain amino acids and other nutritional supplements, including nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, a compound found in living cells.  The infusion, which is delivered over 10 to 15 days, cost $15,000, and it wasn’t covered by insurance. But the TV report said Emerald’s treatment was “proven to wipe drug cravings away.” Cheryl was intrigued.

Full Story @ Register-Herald.com