Fumble! Recovery!!! –

April 27, 2018 – Ryan Leaf doesn’t think that people are necessarily products of their environment. “If that were the case, I would have never ended up in a prison cell,” Leaf says. “I grew up in a really supportive environment. I had two amazing parents, two younger brothers, grandparents, a supportive community. Really loved.” Leaf’s hometown of Great Falls, Montana was like many towns throughout the U.S., at least when it came to how it treated its star athletes. By the time Ryan Leaf was 13, he enjoyed the view from a very high pedestal. “I was told how great I was at something, and I tended to believe it,” Leaf says. “I thought I was a god. I was more important than you, because I could do this thing where I played a silly sport that made me a better human being, in my eyes.”

Full Story @ WBUR.org