November 10 Addiction Recovery eBulletin - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

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November 10, 2015                   Treatment Industry & Recovery Community News                   Vol. 3., No. 13
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 Media Matters VIDEO
Why Christie’s drug speech went viral: Our addiction to authenticity VIDEO    

Politicians are all adept at faking sincerity, but this is deeply personal. Christie began by talking about his mother being addicted to cigarettes, trying to kick the habit, and being diagnosed with lung cancer at 71. “No one came to me and said, ‘Hey listen, your mother was dumb … She’s getting what she deserves,'” Christie said.


Stay Tuned
DR. OZ SHOW to Hold First National Night of Conversation on Drug Addiction, 11/19     

In an effort to address the national problem of addiction, the three time Daytime Emmy Award Winning “The Dr. Oz Show” is organizing a National Night Of Conversation November 19 to encourage every family in the country to sit down to dinner and talk to their children about drugs and to have an open and honest discourse about addiction.

Teeing Off
The Core of Addiction and The Views of Tiger Woods’ Former Caddie    

Tiger Woods treated me like a ‘slave’ says his former caddie Steve Williams The New Zealander hits out at former world No1 in his autobiography while also criticising Woods for his off-the-course antics
(#NPRreads is a weekly feature on Twitter and on The Two-Way. The premise is simple: Correspondents, editors and producers from our newsroom share the pieces that have kept them reading)

Well, the Doctor Said…   VIDEO
Dr. Ben Carson Blames Drug Addiction on a Lack of ‘Values and Principles’ VIDEO 

Carson then pivoted to the specific issue of heroin, stating that American must have the determination to continue the war on drugs, despite the fact it has proven to be a dismal failure that has had an huge and unquantifiable cost on human life, not to mention the nation’s treasury.

 Benchmark Transitions

Heroes in Recovery

Learning The Ropes
Group rappels 28-story Orlando hotel to raise awareness about drug addiction     

Samantha raised $1,100 in David’s name for Shatterproof, an organization dedicated to fighting drug addiction. Founder Gary Mendell said the money will be used for research and to fight the stigma that surrounds addiction. Mendell’s own son took his life in 2011, after 13 months sober, because of the shame his drug abuse caused him.  CONTINUED @ 

 Recovery Program Management

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Around the World in AA
The 22 Pound BIG BOOK of  AA      

This book is the story of an AA traveler, who set out after the 2010 World Convention of AA in San Antonio, Texas, to visit AA meetings, conventions, tourist spots and out-of-the-way places in over 50 countries ending up in the USA for the 2015 World Convention of AA in Atlanta, Georgia.

Coming Soon to Los Angeles…

In Los Angeles?  This Sunday * Congrats to All
Sunday November 15, 2015, 6:00 pm    

Congratulations to  
SHARE! Recovery Awards honorees:

Patricia Meyers, Sobriety Champion, Promises 

Allen Berger, 12-step advocate  
Paul Stansbury, NAMI 

Leonard Lee Buschel

 Reel Recovery Film Festival

Adi Jaffe, Alternatives Addiction Treatment
Valerie Garrett, Recovery International  
Helen Jackson, Women of Color
Steve & Regina Weller, 12th Step ambassadors

Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

American Pharmicide
Drug Overdose Deaths Surpass Those From Firearms, Car Crashes     

The number of deaths from drug overdose in the United States has surpassed those from firearms and motor vehicle accidents each year since 2008… The 2015 National Drug Threat Assessment (NDTA) Summary notes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) report that 46,471 Americans died of a drug overdose in 2013…

AA class helps Utah children understand, cope with family addiction     

A new weekly class that focuses on the youngest members of families involved in Alcoholics Anonymous may be able to help. The Emotional Sobriety Focus on the Family Group held a kickoff breakfast Saturday at the Alano Club in Murray to let AA members and the public know about the new offering. “It’s AA for children, so they can know what’s going on with their family,” said Elene Dangerfield, who is spearheading the effort.

Still In the News
Neuroscientist And Former Addict Explains What We Get Wrong About Addiction     

The prevailing view that addiction is a disease, just like depression or diabetes, is wrong, according to a leading neuroscientist. Marc Lewis, the author of Memoirs of an Addicted Brain and The Biology of Desire, insists that addiction is not a disease and that presenting it as such is harmful. The brain changes seen in addiction have more to do with learning and development – not a chronic brain disease…

Less Arrests
Hillary Clinton Proposes Reclassifying Marijuana as a Less Dangerous Drug     

Hillary Clinton wants to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous substance in order to allow more research into the drug’s medicinal properties, the Democratic presidential candidate said Saturday in South Carolina. Marijuana is currently classified as a Schedule I drug, the most dangerous of five substance categories listed in the Controlled Substances Act.

Rethinking drug addiction     

Addiction is everywhere. Some of us are addicted to our smartphones, others to television. Food is high on the addiction list. So are shopping and gambling. And as Republican presidential hopeful New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie recently pointed out, many Americans view different addictions differently. If the addiction is to drugs, we’re plenty judgmental … Judgment of drug addiction has to end. Stigmas keep us from saving our brothers, our sisters and our children. Stigmas keep us for saving ourselves.

Veteran and Hero In Recovery
Veteran finds way back from addiction, jail, uses his pain to help others     

Henry, now finally back in his Bronx neighborhood, is helping to lift them as one of 850 peer specialists enlisted across the country by the VA to turn around the lives of veterans – men and women connected by shared experiences in wartime and beyond. For Henry and thousands of Americans, Veterans Day conjures up difficult memories, but it is also a time of renewal.

Mars & Venus
Drug Addiction Presents Differently In Men And Women, But Current Treatment Protocols Don’t Reflect It 

Opioid addiction is a growing concern for many countries, especially among women living in Canada and the U.S. But in Canada specifically, a new study finds current treatment protocols don’t take into account the sex differences associated with drug addiction…But for women especially, emphasizing the need for fundamental services, from childcare to medical assistance, could significantly improve how they are specifically treated and taught to manage their opioid use disorder.

Photo Gallery
Homeless and addicted to drugs, thousands of people live in these slums 

A haunting new photography project has shown the harsh reality of the sewer slums in Romania’s capital Bucharest … Many of those living in the sewers are the children seen neglected in orphanages … Homeless and addicted to drugs, thousands of people live in these slums where diseases such as HIV are rampant…

Wise Women Answer Your Questions
Straight Talk from the Sober Chicks     

Have a Question for the Sober Chicks? Want a straight answer from Liz or Sarah? Send us your question or topic you want us to discuss and we might feature it on one of our upcoming episodes of “Straight Talk from the Sober Chicks.”


Sober in Syracuse?
“Bill W. and Dr. Bob” Takes on Alcoholism (Review)     

The year is 1934. It’s been five years since the stockmarket crash of 1929, and stockbroker Bill Wilson (CJ Young) is way deep in his cups, struggling with alcohol and finances in a cramped New York City apartment.Over 400 miles away, Dr. Bob Smith (John Brackett), an Akron, Ohio surgeon trembles nightly and dreads the possible deadly outcomes of his surgeries.


2016 Experience, Strength & Hope Awards – HONORING MACKENZIE PHILLIPS
Thursday, February 25, 2016   

Skirball Cultural Center
2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd.,Los Angeles, CA 90049   
Call for more information: 

Stockholders Rejoice   VIDEO
Addiction Epidemic Began With Big Pharma “Pumping Prescription Opioids Into Society” VIDEO    

That’s how we got where we are not because we were waging war on drugs but because the entire medical and pharmaceutical establishment of this country was pumping prescription opioids into the society, claiming that they were not addictive  and that people would not get into trouble this way.

It’s Come to This
Senator wants schools to carry heroin overdose antidote    

In most schools across the country, nurses can do nothing but call 911 and wait for paramedics if a student overdoses. Laws in several states, including Kentucky, allow school employees to obtain and administer Narcan. “The majority of these states, however, do not provide any funding for the acquisition of naloxone, or training in its use, and few schools have decided to maintain a supply at this time,” said Brown.

Not Afraid To Ask For Help
CC Sabathia Says He Realized in 2012 He Was an Alcoholic      

“In 2012, I kind of came to the realization I was an alcoholic, and I was kind of battling it without any help,” he told ABC in an interview broadcast Friday, his first remarks to media since treatment. “I would go a couple, you know, two, three months at a time sober, and then I would just relapse…”



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One Pill Makes You…
New drug shows promise in treating alcoholism     

Scientists in Sweden are on the cusp of changing the way we treat alcoholism. In two separate studies, researchers found that a drug called OSU6162, which normalizes dopamine levels in the brain, can reduce an alcoholic’s craving for booze and enjoyment of alcohol. Could this be a new “sober pill” to treat alcoholism?

In Recovery Gratitude Gala – Nov. 13-14



DEA Chief is a ‘joke’
DEA chief: Medicinal marijuana is a ‘joke’ 

Chuck Rosenberg, chief of the Drug Enforcement Administration, said that smoking marijuana should not be considered medical treatment on Wednesday, calling the notion a “joke.” “What really bothers me is the notion that marijuana is also medicinal-because it’s not,” Rosenberg said…

Feeling Good
Only 60 percent of Americans are taking prescription drugs     

Nearly three in five American adults take a prescription drug, which is up markedly since 2000 because of much higher use of almost every type of medication, from antidepressants to treatments for high cholesterol and diabetes.

By Sarah Graham
Only two sexes? The barefaced lie that makes intersex people like me invisible

This year, for the first time ever, The Independent on Sunday is including intersex people in the Rainbow List. If you don’t know what this means, you are not alone. Many people who count themselves as educated and informed haven’t got a clue what intersex is; can’t name a single famous intersex person and assume they have never met one of us in the flesh.

Madness In America
Overdose deaths from prescription drugs, heroin ‘increasing at an alarming rate’     

I waded back into the sadness that is the spiral of accidental deaths from prescription opioids and discovered even more horror: People in Orange County as young as 14 and as old as 82 are dying from these drugs in record numbers. Complicating the tragedy, more addicts are turning to comparatively cheap heroin, a growing factor in the increasing number of deaths.


Drs. Do No Harm … to Your Portfolio
How Doctors Helped Drive the Addiction Crisis NYT     

So what is killing middle-aged white Americans? Much of the excess death is attributable to suicide and drug and alcohol poisonings. Opioid painkillers like OxyContin prescribed by physicians contribute significantly to these drug overdoses…But most surprising – and disturbing – of all is that there is actually very weak evidence that opioids are safe or effective for the long-term treatment of nonmalignant pain. So how did they become so popular for these uses?

No More Bunk Beds?
Costa Mesa expands sober-living home restrictions    

Costa Mesa officials estimate the city has over 200 sober-living homes, representing nearly 30 percent of the county’s total facilities. The density led residents to complain that the facilities caused and attracted excessive noise, traffic, transients, secondhand smoke and drug use.


Attraction AND Coercion
Khloe Kardashian’s BFF Malika Haqq Ordered to Attend Alcoholics Anonymous Following DUI Arrest     

According to TMZ, Khloe Kardashian’s BFF, 32, was ordered by a judge at a court hearing to attend two meetings twice a week. Last month, Us Weekly reported that the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star crashed her black Mercedes Benz on the 101 freeway in L.A. at 3 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 8. She was arrested and booked, and released later that day on $30,000 bail.

House Call
Drug addiction is a family problem, so solving it needs to start in the home by Mehmet Oz 

Scott Basinger is a neurobiologist on the faculty at Baylor College of Medicine, and founder of The Hope & Healing Center in Houston. Basinger helped produce a major upcoming documentary film, “Generation Found,” which follows adolescents in Houston through their high school experience while trying to stay sober after addiction treatment.

 VIDEO  satire
James Bond a Debilitating Alcoholic VIDEO     

Willfully ignoring his past issues with alcohol, he tells himself he can have just one Martini. He pretends he’s different from other problem-drinkers. But then, 10 cocktails later, James is back in the personal hell of decision making that consistently lands him and millions of alcoholics like him in life-threatening situations. … the cycle of addictive behavior Daniel Craig … will be all too familiar.

Hauling The Message
Robert Bonds, 61, Amtrak executive, advocate for addiction recovery     

Robert “Bobby” Bonds, 61, of Bala Cynwyd, an Amtrak executive who used his own recovery from addiction to fuel a program designed to help others, died Thursday, Oct. 29, of cancer at home. A 39-year Amtrak employee, Mr. Bonds devoted his life to Operation RedBlock, a drug and alcohol intervention and prevention program that has grown to be a model for the nation and Europe.

NOT the Florida Role Model
On-duty Fla. cop too ‘wasted’ to receive Mothers Against Drunk Driving award     

A Florida police officer may have celebrated an award he was about to receive just a tad too much: He was too drunk to walk straight when he arrived at a banquet where an anti-drunk-driving group was to honor him for making over 100 DUI arrests.

Reaction by Will Bunch
What’s killing middle-aged white dudes?    

I’ve been in the news business a long time, and there some days I can get pretty jaded about the headlines, as if I’ve seen everything. But some days there’s a headline that makes me bolt upright and take notice. When you’re a middle-aged white dude like me, you’re bound to pay attention when the New York Times reports…

Beauty and the Beast
Reeling In Gabor Maté and Ione Skye to Talk About Addiction    

“Say Everything-In Conversation with Dr. Gabor Maté and Ione Skye” capped off the final night of the 7th Annual Reel Recovery Film Festival in North Hollywood on Thursday, October 29. Dr. Maté, the renowned but subversive addiction specialist and author of In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts among other books, engaged in a casual back-and-forth chat with actress Ione Sky, most famous for her 1989 film, Say Anything.

Go Make a Movie


is a social, educational, networking and recovery forum showcasing first-time filmmakers and experienced professionals who make films about addiction and recovery. Our audience is treatment professionals, people in recovery, members of the entertainment industry, media representatives, educated moviegoers and the general public. 
Our Cities: New York, Los Angeles, Denver, Houston, Ft. Lauderdale, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Vancouver.
If you would like to bring the REEL Recovery Film Festival to your area, please call 818-762-0461

If you or someone you know has a film about Addiction OR Recovery,  
please click on our:


Addiction/Recovery eBulletin Publisher & Editor:  

Leonard Buschel  

© 2015 Addiction/Recovery eBulletin 

November 10 Addiction Recovery eBulletin