A Square Meal and a Full Heart – 

JULY 09, 2019 – Cira loves his work, although he says when he first considered taking a job driving around picking up homeless people, his wife needed some convincing. Cira not only drives the van, he also works alongside the riders, talking to them and learning about their individual situations. He informs them about the local agencies that might be best suited to provide them with help for their particular needs. “It’s really shattered my misconceptions. People really want to work and they want to put in the time,” says Cira. “By the end of the day, I have a better chance to talk to them. When I pay them, they’re a lot more comfortable than if we were in a closed office. I get a lot more as far as finding ways to help them.” The van is designated for panhandlers flying signs only. Others, desperate for work, often attempt get on board, but if they don’t have a sign, Cira can’t pick them up.

Full Story @ SoapBoxMedia.com