Oct. 26, 2022 – “She’s dealing with trying to understand the pain that she is in but at the same time mother enough to tell me, ‘Do not do this ever. I’m suffering from something I don’t even understand but I know one thing, I don’t ever want you to trade places with me,’” she continued. Banfield Norris then asked Hill when she recognized that something was wrong within her family, noting that throughout her own 20-year battle with heroin addiction, daughter Pinkett Smith knew something wasn’t right at a young age.

The sports journalist admitted that she first witnessed her mother’s downward spiral when she was just 6 years old, revealing that her mother was raped that year.

“I just saw my mother falling apart,” Hill said. “As a kid, you know something is wrong but you don’t know how to put a finger on it. And as she continued to work through what we know now is PTSD, all I could see is her slipping away.”
