April 21, 2020 – Recovery is difficult and all too often bound toward failure. As someone new to sobriety, I’m in no position to talk with any authority on how to be successful. But as someone working toward a new way of living, I know how hard it is to stay away from addictions in the midst of the public health crisis we now face. 

Alcoholics Anonymous meetings were a big part of my plan to be a part of a larger community during this newly sober stage of my life. Like most of life these days, AA and other 12-step meetings — of which there are an estimated 66,345 groups and 1,361,838 members across the nation — connect on Zoom. Local AA groups, including those in my hometown of Monterey, California, have adapted to quickly move normally scheduled meetings online. Facebook groups and webpages have popped up to allow people to join meetings happening across the globe at any time.
