Nov. 30, 2021 – The term “boundary” is defined by Lexico as both “a limit of something abstract, especially a subject or sphere of activity” and “a line which marks the limit of an area; a dividing line.” When discussing boundaries, both definitions are essential and relevant, as they each define different types of boundaries; one refers to emotional and mental boundaries and the other defines physical boundaries. While the concept of boundaries is fairly well known, this article will look at how people recently out of treatment can set boundaries and how their loved ones can do the same during their own parallel process of recovery.

Going to treatment for substance use disorder can be one of the hardest and scariest decisions someone must make. What people often don’t realize is leaving treatment is generally the most intimidating part. Understanding what those boundaries are and what boundaries need to be set can give someone a leg up in their transition back to “the new normal.” Below are just a few boundaries that are key to highlight.
