July 21, 2021 – By 30, Coderre said, he had risen in his career to become the executive director of a large non-profit agency.

“On the outside, everything about this man’s life looked normal. Some would even say perfect,” said Coderre. “However, on the inside, he was tortured. So he turned, first to alcohol and then to drugs to cope with the stresses he was experiencing.” Coderre added, “Underestimating the power of these substances and not understanding the neurological consequences of taking them, he quickly became addicted.” He lost his spirit. In the end, he lost everything. Even his desire to live,” said Coderre of himself. “This man’s life, which at one time was so full of hope, became hopeless.”

Coderre revealedat the end of his testimony that he was telling his own life story. He was able to eventually get the help he needed and has been sober since May 15, 2003, he said.
