And what would make that stop? –

Sept. 23, 2018 – Those on the front lines say that despite an increase in the number of addicts getting treatment, the death toll is rising because fentanyl is being mixed not only with heroin but also with a variety of other illegal drugs. According to a recent state report on drug trends, “drug cartels have flooded Ohio” with fentanyl, making it widely available statewide. Demand continues to increase because users say the highly potent drug produces a superior high. At the same time, many users don’t realize that they’ve taken fentanyl because it’s being cut into heroin and cocaine and even “pressed” into prescription opioids, the report said. “Drug dealers are flooding communities with different drugs to see what takes. They are very smart businesspeople,” said Lori Criss, CEO of the Ohio Council of Behavioral Health & Family Services Providers. She and others liken combating the drug crisis to a game of Whac-A-Mole as targets keep shifting.

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