Murder on the Appalachian Express –

May 8, 2018 – The head of a major pharmaceutical distributor apologized before Congress on Tuesday for not doing more to stop the shipment of millions of powerful prescription opioids to pharmacies in two small West Virginia towns, while another industry leader admitted that his company contributed to the nation’s opioid crisis.

Cardinal Health Executive Chairman George Barrett said he is sorry that the company did not act faster to halt millions of hydrocodone and oxycodone pills to the pharmacies in West Virginia, which has the nation’s highest rate of opioid overdose death.

“With the benefit of hindsight, I wish we had moved faster and asked a different set of questions,” Barrett said. “I am deeply sorry we did not. Today, I am confident we would reach different conclusions about those two pharmacies.” Moments later, Joseph Mastandrea said that he believes his company, Miami-Luken, contributed to the opioid crisis.

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