Jan. 17, 2025 – The future of addiction treatment could be in treating the brain itself. A new trial at West Virginia University’s Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute is exploring whether using ultrasound waves on parts of the brain associated with addiction could disrupt connections that contribute to cravings.

Danny Lewis: For most of his life, Joe Hilton has struggled with addiction and substance abuse starting when he was just a kid in West Virginia.

Joe Hilton: Growing up, at an eight-year-old’s birthday party, there would be five or six coolers. Only one of them would have juice boxes and stuff like that and the rest of them would be full of beer. At nine, 10, 11, 12 years old, I’d sneak a beer.

Danny Lewis: From beers in the cooler, he moved on to stealing the ends of his dad’s joints, then to smoking marijuana with a friend, and eventually, to harder drugs.

Joe Hilton: Once I did heroin, I’m like, “That’s supposedly the worst drug ever, so why not try everything else?” I like to say my drug of choice was more of anything. It didn’t matter.

Danny Lewis: Joe’s 39 now and he’s tried to get sober many times over the years. He’s attended group meetings run by Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, in-patient programs, sober living homes, but he says none of them stuck long-term. Joe even ended up in prison at one point. His wife left him and he lost custody of his daughter.