Overdose Awareness Vigil held Aug. 31 Community Caring – August 29, 2020 - As he did at last year’s inaugural event, Father Neal Longe of St. Ann’s Episcopal Church will lead the crowd in prayer, while candles will be provided by Betz, Rossi &... Read More...Alcohol AddictionBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and Addictionopioid crisisopioidsOverdoseRecoveryRecovery AdvocateSept 1 2020
Managing Recovery in a Virtual World Online for life? – August 28, 2020 - Call people: Most support groups will offer a phone list of members. If you like the way a person shares about their recovery, call them after the meeting and talk to them.... Read More...12 Step ProgramAddiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionAlcoholics AnonymousCoronavirusDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRehabSept 1 2020
Denver Reports 83% Increase in Drug Deaths in First Half of Year Dying for that Fentanyl Feeling – August 27, 2020 - Health officials are urging people to review the resources below and be proactive about preventing overdose deaths: Find out more about naloxone and where t... Read More...Addiction RecoverybuprenorphineCoronavirusDrug Abuse and Addictionfentanylopioid crisisopioidsOverdoseSept 1 2020
Brothers beat addiction after hearing of mother’s suicide while serving prison time Family Freedom – August 31, 2020 - Timmy, who runs the podcast with fellow recovering addict James Leonard, has been clean from drugs for nine years. For his brother Tommy, the path to a drug-free life has tak... Read More...Addiction RecoveryDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoverySept 1 2020suicide
Masked robber hits CVS for oxycodone Drugstore Cowboy – August 28, 2020 - NORTH MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (WPDE) — Thursday evening, an armed robber struck the CVS in North Myrtle Beach-- but not for cash; police say the robber wanted drugs. Ri... Read More...Drug Abuse and Addictionopioid crisisopioidsoxycontinSept 1 2020
Pennsylvania facilities buckle and begin to close under COVID-19 strain Oh no! Needed now more than ever – August 26, 2020 - The result is a historically underfunded system buckling under the weight of dual pandemics: addiction and the coronavirus. Since March, 10 facilities have closed,... Read More...Addiction RecoveryCoronavirusDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRehabrelapseSept 1 2020
The Impact of COVID-19 on Women’s Mental Health “Sisters are doin’ it by themselves” – August 28, 2020 - From my work at Wellbridge Addiction Treatment and Research, I have seen, first-hand, the danger of heightened risk for alcohol and drug abuse that has resulte... Read More...12 Step ProgramAddiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionAlcoholics AnonymousCompassionCoronavirusDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRehabrelapseSept 1 2020
Positive Drug Tests Among U.S. Workers Reach Highest Level in 16 Years Fly the 420 Friendly Skies – August 25, 2020 - The percentage of working Americans testing positive for drugs climbed last year, particularly for marijuana, according to a new report, indicating employee drug use w... Read More...Addiction RecoveryDrug Abuse and AddictionSept 1 2020
YouTube star Landon Clifford’s suicide after struggle with depression…drugs WATCH – Life’s Struggle – August 29, 2020 - YouTube star and young father Landon Clifford hanged himself after struggling with depression and drug addiction for years, his heartbroken wife told their nearly 1.4 milli... Read More...Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediadepressionDrug Abuse and AddictioninternetlonelinessMental HealthSept 1 2020suicide
Jeff Hardy On Drug Addiction Storyline Drama queen? – August 27, 2020 - Filming the heavier scenes during the feud: “There was some heavy stuff there in the beginning, especially with the wreck scenario. It was just very heavy stuff. I’m always interested... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRecovery AdvocateRehabSept 1 2020
A Bill to Decriminalize All Drugs FINALLY! – August 20, 2020 - “The world we are proposing will significantly reduce the harm experienced by the most marginalized in our society and actually improve public and community health,” said Queen Adesuyi, a... Read More...Alcohol AddictionBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and Addictionopioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinRecoveryRecovery AdvocateRehabrelapseSept 1 2020
Coronavirus pandemic creates ‘perfect storm’ for addiction dangers WATCH – Bridge over troubled waters – August 18, 2020 - In Clark County, Nevada fentanyl-related deaths have jumped 125% compared to this point last year, according to data from Southern Nevada Health District... Read More...Alcohol AddictionAugust 25 2020CoronavirusDrug Abuse and Addictionlife expectancylonelinessMental HealthRecoveryRehabrelapse
Maintaining Emotional Sobriety During Covid-19: The Workbook by Tian Dayton Ph.D. MEDIA: Book of the Month – 2020 - So this can lead to what’s called “anticipatory grief”, and the feelings or symptoms we’re referring to are referred to as pre-trauma symptoms. We want to avoid these cumulative, pre... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 25 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCoronavirusDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRecovery Advocate
‘Hi, My Name is Dicky’ Quit or Die? – August 18, 2020 - “I couldn’t really see myself coming out of it.” But come out of it he did, and a decade later, Clune is sharing his story in “Hi, My Name is Dicky,” a raw documentary available on... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionAugust 25 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictioninterventionMental HealthRecoveryRehab
Wife assaults husband during celebration of her sobriety Unclear on the concept – August 21, 2020 - He said the children were locked in the back bedroom and he went outside where she followed him and hit him some more. When he tried to push her away he said she bit him ... Read More...12 Step ProgramAddiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionAlcoholics AnonymousAugust 25 2020CoronavirusDrug Abuse and AddictionmethRecovery
Agency chosen by Sober Grid for addiction-recovery support campaign Phoning it in? – August 20, 2020 - Ascent, a subsidiary of Sober Grid Inc. in Boston, has been awarded funding from the Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services Agency to deliver treatment services that... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 25 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and Mediacell phoneCompassionDrug Abuse and AddictionMental Healthnonprofit organizationRecoveryRecovery Advocate
New film depicts grim side of addiction WATCH – MEDIA: Coming soon... – August 21, 2020 - SNO BABIES depicts the grim realities of addiction and its effects on families. Kristen and Hannah are likeable, college-bound teens - and heroin addicts - hiding the... Read More...Alcohol AddictionAugust 25 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionHeroin Addiction
Jack Cassidy puts out first Christian single on overcoming addiction The Lord’s Prayer? – August 21, 2020 - In a recent interview with Christian Post, Cassidy says, “My faith is the number one thing in my life and has such deep emotional meaning that resonates with me. Every ti... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 25 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictionRecovery
After 24 years, woman finds sobriety and a new passion WATCH – Charmed Life – August 19, 2020 - “It went from cocaine to oxys to heroin to heroin and crystal meth and it was just a never-ending process,” Staples explains from the Layman Way Recovery Center in Alfred that... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 25 2020Drug Abuse and AddictionHeroin AddictionoxycontinRecoveryRehab
Does providing safe drug-use kits help or enable? Legalize It! – August 22, 2020 - Many youth who are in this situation fail to gain the notion of personal responsibility for their actions, which hinders their capacity to develop the independent living s... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 25 2020Drug Abuse and AddictionRecovery
Murder, Meth, and the case of two missing girls! MEDIA: BOOK Review – August 21, 2020 - It’s the story author Jax Miller is now hoping to share with the world. Her book “Hell in the Heartland” was released July 28 and was her first soiree into fiction writing. “... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 25 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionInterviewmeth
Body Cam Shows Deputy Saving Man From Overdose WATCH – Back for the Dead! – August 21, 2020 - “Hear the snorting?” Deputy Steeves asks. “Pinpoint pupils,” he notes. The sheriff’s office says constricted pupils, labored breathing and snorting are all signs ... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 25 2020Drug Abuse and AddictionOverdose
U.S. states seek $2.2 TRILLION from OxyContin dealers Swiss bank accounts stay hidden? – AUGUST 17, 2020 - The filings cited more than 200,000 deaths in the U.S. tied directly to prescription opioids between 1999 and 2016. In large states such as Califor... Read More...Alcohol AddictionAugust 25 2020Big PharmaDrug Abuse and Addictionopioid crisisopioidsoxycontinPurdue Pharma
Bucks County rehab CEO sentenced to 3 years for exploiting patients for profits When will rehab industry promote the good work they do? – August 17, 2020 - Gerner admitted last year that the company had actively recruited patients with premium insurance plans so it could maximize profits by bi... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 25 2020Drug Abuse and AddictioninterventionRecoveryRehab
Carol Burnett seeks guardianship of grandson due to daughter’s addiction Al-anon for All – August 20, 2020 - The comedy legend also said in the filing that her daughter sent multiple text messages on July 15 to Dylan and her adult son, Zachary Carlson, in which she threatened suici... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 25 2020Celebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and Addictioninterventionsuicide
Eminem celebrates 12 years of sobriety Not a DIRTY dozen – August 20, 2020 - Eminem has marked a serious milestone. The 47-year-old rapper, born Marshall Mathers, celebrated 12 years of clear dwelling on Monday and honored it with a photograph of his new ... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 25 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictionrapRecovery
Dangerous drug GHB has made a comeback Play Safe – August 13, 2020 - Standing among throngs of concertgoers at a Brooklyn music venue last year, Palamar spotted the bulky man with the contorted face nearby. He was struggling to remain conscious. ... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 18 2020Drug Abuse and Addiction
Deadly Overdose Spike During Pandemic LISTEN – How much more horrible will it get? – August 13, 2020 - Making matters worse is a separate trend: Street drugs are often more dangerous now because more dealers are lacing products with a deadly synth... Read More...Alcohol AddictionAugust 18 2020CoronavirusDrug Abuse and AddictionfentanylHeroin Addictionopioid crisisopioidsOverdose
Newborn Mothers Get Too Many Opiods, Claim Osteopaths, Then They Circulate Them In Their Community It’s Complicated – August 14, 2020 - The authors of the paper try to suggest causal arrows by putting a lot of statistics in the same place - Oklahoma is some nexus of drug addiction? Why do pill mill do... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 18 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and Addictionopioid crisisopioidsRecovery
Strive for Rat Park Mixed Messages – Aug. 13, 2020 - But in the late 1970s, a young Canadian psychologist named Bruce Alexander began to ponder a divergent hypothesis. What if it wasn’t just the drugs’ addictive nature that led t... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAugust 18 2020Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and Addiction