Is Marijuana Addictive? Does a bear hibernate in the woods? – July 8, 2019 - A brain-imaging study last year found the brain’s neural circuitry is alteredin young adults with cannabis dependence, especially for those who start in adol... Read More...Addiction RecoveryDrug Abuse and AddictionmarijuanaSept 15 2020
YoungBoy – Never Broke Again – Drug Addiction WATCH – Musical Interlude – Sept. 10, 2020 – YoungBoy - Never Broke Again - Drug Addiction more@YouTube ... Read More...Alcohol AddictionBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionSept 15 2020
Melissa Etheridge channels heartbreak Foundation made of love – Sept. 10, 2020 - “It was a long journey. In the end, there’s a small amount of peace knowing he’s not in pain anymore,” Etheridge said Thursday on “Today.” “Of course, we miss him. My wife a... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and Addictiongrammy winnerlife expectancynonprofit organizationRecovery AdvocateSept 15 2020
Q&A with LARA Recovery founder, Angelo Lagares Stick with the Winners! – Sept. 4, 2020 - LARA’s mission is to create Recovery Community Organizations in Spanish that will ultimately reduce health disparities among the Hispanic communities. Angelo Lagares has w... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRecovery AdvocateSept 15 2020
The Opioid Crisis Has Intensified During Coronavirus Pandemic WATCH – It’s M.A.T. or DIE says Wall Street Journal – Sept. 8, 2020 - When Covid-19 struck, the U.S. was already in the grip of an expanding drug-overdose crisis. It has only gotten worse since then. Counties in s... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCoronavirusDrug Abuse and Addictionopioid crisisopioidsSept 15 2020
A look at Matthew Perry’s journey who kicked his own addiction, helped others recover You got to have... – Sept. 6, 2020 - Then this year in July, he was spotted in public in Beverly Hills with a cigarette on his lip, shortly after his breakup with girlfriend Molly Hurwitz. The actor looked quit... Read More...12 Step ProgramAddiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionAlcoholics AnonymousBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRecovery AdvocateRehabSept 15 2020
Marijuana use is on the rise in older adults Act your age, not your THC level – August 31, 2020 - The researchers said one of the reasons they embarked on the study was a concern that the effects of cannabis in older adults might be different from what younger ... Read More...Addiction RecoveryDrug Abuse and AddictionmarijuanaSept 15 2020smoking
Why did the justice department let Purdue off the hook for the opioid crisis? Fortunes are at stake? – Sept. 8, 2020 - The opioid epidemic is not over. Even as Covid-19 rages, opioid-related deaths continue to devastate communities across our states. In New Hampshire, overdose deaths rose in A... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBig PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and Addictionopioid crisisopioidsoxycontinPurdue PharmaSept 15 2020
Family’s tragic destruction over $10 of heroin As High as Death – Sept. 11, 2020 - “Your family is destroyed over $10 of heroin,” Mulford concluded. Assistant State’s Attorney Anastasia Prigge acknowledged Taylor’s addiction, but said prosecutors were frustrat... Read More...Drug Abuse and AddictionHeroin AddictionSept 15 2020
8 Encouraging Apps for Overcoming Addiction Tap before you pick up – Sept. 12, 2020 - Pocket Rehab is filled with familiar tools, but all of them are done very well and fit together cohesively. That includes smart sobriety searches, recovery trackers, in... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionBooks, Memoirs, Films, and Mediacell phoneDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoverySept 15 2020
Hazelden Betty Ford CEO to be Stepping Away Passing the First Lady’s baton – September 9, 2020 - Mishek, the third-longest-serving leader in the organization’s 71-year history and architect of the historic 2014 merger of the Hazelden Foundation and the Betty F... Read More...12 Step ProgramAddiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionAlcoholics AnonymousBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRecovery AdvocateRehabSept 15 2020
Foundation works to put naloxone in recovery homes Save-A-Life – Sept. 1, 2020 - The U.S. surgeon general and state governments have encouraged wide distribution of the drug in recent years, but recovery organizations in closest contact with people dependent o... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRehabSept 8 2020
Company to Launch LSD-MDMA Combination Clinical Trial Purple Haze Rave? – August 31, 2020 - As anyone who has been to Shakedown Street knows, the drug cocktail of LSD and MDMA is referred to as “candyflipping.” But for JR Rahn, the founder and co-CEO of psychedel... Read More...Addiction RecoveryDrug Abuse and AddictionPsychedelicsSept 8 2020
Navigating sobriety as a teen: ‘They told me I was going to die’ WATCH – No one has to die – Sept. 4, 2020 - This time was different, though. When Leahy was going through patient intake at the hospital, he told the doctors what he had taken — the remnants of a bottle of liquid Per... Read More...12 Step ProgramAddiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionAlcoholics AnonymousDrug Abuse and AddictionOverdoseRecoveryRehabSept 8 2020teenagers
11-Year-Old Boy Helping Others After Losing Mother WATCH – And the young shall lead us – Sept. 2, 2020 -“I didn’t really grow up with my mom as much as I’d hoped,” Preston told KDKA’s Kym Gable. “I lived with my grandma most of my life. The reason why is she s... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCompassionDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRecovery AdvocateSept 8 2020
I Thought Jail Would Help Me Get Clean. I Was Dead Wrong. Prisons are Dangerous – Sept. 3, 2020 - This semi-normal life, combined with my White skin and the fact that I lived in an under-policed suburban neighborhood, allowed me to evade criminal justice involvement ... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoverySept 8 2020
Matt Brown Tells Fans Never ‘Give Up’ or ‘Surrender’ After Sobriety Update Staying in the Groove – Sept. 2, 2020 - “Hey y’all guys, this is my newest piece, I hope you like it,” the reality star, 37, wrote in his caption. “Also I just put out a YouTube video where you can watch me draw a co... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCelebrity SobrietyDrug Abuse and AddictionSept 8 2020
Mural depicts journey from addiction to recovery From the heART – Sept. 3, 2020 - The completed mural is 48 feet tall and 80 feet wide. It features five people holding hands, with the words “heal,” “strengthen” and “unify” painted above them. The left side of the m... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRecovery AdvocateSept 8 2020
Antioch Alumni Angie Bryan: Advocating for Young Adults In Recovery Giving back - not giving in – Sept. 1, 2020 - For youth, experimenting with substances is often part of the introduction to independent living away from family. Engaging in social events that convene around alcohol i... Read More...12 Step ProgramAddiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionAlcoholics AnonymousBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRecovery AdvocateSept 8 2020
Survivor of drug addiction speaks out WATCH – She had to have something – Sept. 1, 2020 - Ms Owen was warned from a young age about the dangers of narcotics. But struggling with her mental health as a young adult, she began to “dabble” in party drugs as ... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRehabSept 8 2020
LOCKDOWN: The Emotional Impact of COVID-19 and Quarantine – FREE! Watch at Home! World Premiere! – Sept. 4, 2020 - Wednesday, September 9 - Sign-up Now! Watch at home, office or facility. Online or streaming. more@FilmFestivalFlix ... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCoronavirusDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryrelapseSept 1 2020
MTV to premiere series on teenagers battling addiction WATCH – A show showing the reality – August 31, 2020 - That’s why she decided to let others see what the battle of addiction looks like. It’s a story that – while it may be difficult to watch, and difficult fo... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictioninterventionMental HealthRecoveryRehabSept 8 2020teenagers
More than one person a day died of an overdose in SF last year American Horror Story – Sep. 1, 2020 - According to a Department of Public Health report released Monday, 441 people died of an overdose in 2019. That is more than one per day for an entire year, and an ... Read More...Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionfentanylOverdoseSept 8 2020
Al-Anon: Recognizing Abuse and Those Left Behind Program of difficult options – August 30, 2020 - Societal judgments create shame when people attempt to receive addiction recovery treatment. DePasquale said that is why some people do not reach out for help sooner. ... Read More...Addiction RecoveryCompassionDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoverySept 8 2020
New Jersey Govenor signs ‘Overdose Awareness Day’ resolution Hymn for the Dying – Sept. 2, 2020 - “Every single life lost to an overdose is a tragedy made all the more heartbreaking with the knowledge that many of those deaths could have been prevented if more people ha... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionOverdoseRecoveryRecovery AdvocaterelapseSept 8 2020
Addiction and overdose are dirty words. That only makes them more dangerous. The truth shall set you free – Sept. 1, 2020 - I found out later that my parents had been harboring a dark secret that ultimately killed them, a secret that I’ve taken on the burden of owning now that they’re gone: T... Read More...Addiction RecoveryAlcohol AddictionBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRehabSept 8 2020
Walmart Sued Over Opioids Everyone knew! – August 24, 2020 - “Revelations concerning Walmart are not emerging because Walmart somehow chose to ‘come clean’ on its deplorable refusal to control how its nationwide pharmacies distributed ... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBig PharmaDrug Abuse and Addictionopioid crisisopioidsOverdoseoxycontinSept 1 2020
Even with a license to prescribe Buprenorphine many doctors are mum Prejudice, Knowledge, or Ignorance? – August 28, 2020 - As of 2018, only about 5% of physicians had a license to prescribe buprenorphine — despite increasing demand for the drug and an overdose crisis that killed 70,... Read More...Addiction RecoveryBig PharmaBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediabuprenorphineDrug Abuse and AddictionSept 1 2020
Opioid crisis is ‘a product’ of U.S. health care WATCH – Die Suckers Die – August 29, 2020 - The pharmaceutical industry’s opportunism — enabled by the backing of politicians and federal regulators — along with the emerging medical consensus that opioids wer... Read More...Addiction RecoveryDrug Abuse and Addictionopioid crisisopioidsSept 1 2020
Chem-Free Sobriety: natural recovery from substance use disorders MEDIA: Book Recommendation – April 28, 2020 - Each story provides answers to the following questions: When did you start drinking or using drugs, and how did it progress? Looking back, when do you think ... Read More...12 Step ProgramAddiction RecoveryBooks, Memoirs, Films, and MediaDrug Abuse and AddictionRecoveryRecovery AdvocateSept 1 2020