Breathing Machine Recall Over Cancer Risk SHALLOW BREATH AND GRAVE – August 17, 2021 - The agency said the possible risks of particulate and chemical exposure from the recalled devices included asthma, skin and respiratory-tract irritation and “toxic and c... Read More...August 24 2021Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCancerinterventionTrauma
EPA “Exposed American Children” To Brain-Damaging Pesticide MAKES OPIATES LOOK LIKE CANDY APRIL 29, 2021 - According to a team of researchers led by Leonardo Trasande, organophosphate pesticides, of which chlorpyrifos is the most widely used, accounted for an estimated $594 b... Read More...Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCancerDrug Abuse and AddictioninterventionMay 4 2021Trauma
Ugly Side Effects of Eating Potato Chips FRIES SURPRISE – Jan. 19, 2021 - #2. You might have never guessed that your favorite bag of chips can increase your risk for cancer. According to the American Cancer Association, a chemical called acrylami... Read More...Books, Memoirs, Films, and MediaCancerEating Disorderfood addictioninterventionJan 26 2021life expectancyMental Health
Lungs ‘magically’ heal damage from smoking It’s NEVER Too Late – Jan. 29, 2020 - The overwhelming majority of cells taken from a smoker’s airways had been mutated by tobacco, with cells containing up to 10,000 genetic alterations. “These can be thoug... Read More...CancerFeb 4 2020Nicorettesmoking
First time in 4 years, US life expectancy rises — a little Good News – Jan 29, 2020 - Suicides continued to increase in 2018, as did deaths from... Read More...CancerFeb 4 2020life expectancy