Robert Downey Jr. on Addiction: “It took me 20 years to become a person again.” - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Nov. 30, 2022 – Robert was aware of what his father was doing from a very young age and explained: “I always knew what was going on in that basement”. 

He started using when he was eight years old, together with his father: “We altered our consciousness with substances”.

“I was just playing a game of wanting to appease myself or stay high, before I accepted the fact that things had gotten out of control,” said Robert.

Honestly, and more than anything, I look back on it and think ‘that’s awesome that that’s where a finished movie could come from’.”

His mother’s death from ALS in 1994 was a key moment for both he and his father in their recovery: “Even if it takes another 20 years to get back to being a person, you and Laura became a point of stability,” he said. “When you lost her and you stayed clean and I was still out there, you told me I had to stay on this planet and not give up,” Robert’s father, who passed away in 2021, can be seen telling his son…
