Mrs. Doubtfire Co-Star Says Robin Williams Gave Him important Addiction Advice - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


March 13, 2022 – Lawrence said Williams gave him a ‘gift’ by being so candid about drug addiction, and gave him an important piece of advice. ‘Don’t ever do drugs. Especially cocaine,’ he recalled the actor telling him.

‘He was very serious. He was like, ‘You know when you come to my trailer and you see me like that?’ He’s like, ‘That’s the reason why. And now I’m fighting for the rest of my life because I spent 10 years doing something very stupid every day. Do not do it.’ I stayed away from it because of him.’

Lawrence also remembered the audition process for Mrs. Doubtfire, and how Williams was key to him landing the role. ‘There was another strong choice that everybody else wanted. The studio wanted this other boy … I don’t know who it was, I was only nine years old,’ he said.
