A Modern Day Love Story - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


July 9, 2022 – In 1996, I was making an album in LA and didn’t know what was meant to happen next. I just knew I couldn’t go home.

My friend Ian Rogers, who was dating her best friend, invited to me to Ione’s house for a Christmas party in Laurel Canyon where I met her family. Bob Dylan’s Isis was playing, there were mushrooms. At one specific moment – I remember thinking “I want my life to be like this”. But there was no way I could have known that 10 years later we’d end up together.

I was 18, she 26. The age difference was more pronounced back then, but we’d bump into each other at clubs and parties, sharing a vibe and admiration.

When we reconnected in LA after Claire [Danes] and I broke up, I’d put out Awake is the New Sleep, which was doing well. We were both in new chapters.

I watched Ione parenting Kate and loved what a sweet, artistic and compassionate mum she was. Just the way she flowed through life with spontaneity, wit and tenderness. And, of course, so beautiful.

After living on a tour bus for three years, LA had kinda grown on me. We were both just playing the field, experimenting and reassessing really, but subconsciously looking for serious partners, maybe? There was a lot more experimentation to go. I had a few cults to join and quit, businesses to start, all kinds of things to succeed and fail at. She too. At the time I was also devoted to an Indian guru and had to wade through all that fanaticism.
