Walking Can Cut Disease and Death - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

WALK ON THE MILD SIDE do do do –  

March 6, 2024 – For  people with low and high amounts of sedentary time, getting any number of steps higher than 2,200 per day was linked with lower odds of developing cardiovascular disease or dying early, with 9,000 to 10,000 steps carrying the most benefit.

If you want to become more active, 10,000 steps can be equivalent to a several-mile walk that’s doable within a couple hours or so, Freeman said. But reaching that goal doesn’t always have to mean taking a huge chunk of time out of your day.

Some easier ways to get steps in include taking the steps instead of the elevator or escalator when you can, or parking farther away from a store. Some companies and employees have started holding meetings during walks, or placing portable treadmills under their desks so they can exercise while working.

“Exercise is great for you, and it is truly the magic elixir that hits virtually every disease we take care of,” Freeman said. “If you’re sedentary, don’t despair — get up now, and get moving and make it happen.”