Teenagers Sue Dept. of Youth Rehabilitation For Lack of Rehab Beds  - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Dec. 13, 2024 -Lawyers for teenagers accused of crimes have argued for their clients to be released to the family because of the violence and drugs inside YSC. “This case is really about where the children are being detained, and the services they’re being provided or, in this case, not being provided. What this case is really about is the fact children in the juvenile system who are awaiting placement – which means they’re waiting to be moved to facilities where they get the rehabilitative services that they’re entitled to – are being detained longer than necessary at a jail-like facility,” Shah said. “The children are supposed to receive rehabilitative services, which generally means evidence-based behavioral programming that’s targeted towards equipping these kids with the tools that they need to return to our communities and be able to succeed after they served their commitment periods, whereas with the Youth Services Center, it is not a rehabilitative placement facility, and that’s been made clear in public statements. It’s in our filings. It’s, instead, basically a holding facility where children are not getting these tools and services that they need in order to succeed in the future and, indeed, they’re entitled to under the law.”