Read It and Weep –

Apr 6, 2019 – Jake started experimenting with alcohol and marijuana in college, then Oxycontin, which led to heroin. Burwell shares how her middle-class, smart, athletic son lost three years of his life to addiction and how this impacted their family. She offers three suggestions for other families who are involved in this battle. …

1. Get support. Take advantage of support groups such as AL-Anon, Nar-Anon and other groups to decrease your feelings of isolation and gain help from others who have been affected by addiction.

Locally, we have Mothers of Hope support group for mothers of addicted children. Visit the Mothers of Hope Facebook page.

2. Trust your gut. Burwell describes the uneasiness she felt that something was not quite right with Jake, but was unsure what all the symptoms meant. He was losing weight, had a terrible cough, was failing in college.

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