‘Pill Mill’ Doctor Heading To Prison - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


April 7, 2022 – Officials say that after Kim was forced to resign in March of 2017 from the medical practice where he was employed due to concerns over his prescribing practices, he operated his own clinic in Tabor City from October 2017 to June 28, 2018. 

“Kim unlawfully and improperly prescribed opioids and other controlled substances to ‘patients’ who paid $200 cash at each appointment,” a U.S. Department of Justice news release states. “The investigation revealed that Kim often failed to meet the basic standards of legitimate medical care. Kim wrote controlled substance prescriptions to virtually every patient he saw, often despite not having a patient’s prior medical records, not conducting a real physical examination or considering alternative treatments, and often despite having evidence of patient misuse and diversion.”
