Nicole Richie’s Journey From Dark Days Of Addiction To Doting Mom


Feb. 20, 2021 – Nicole sobered up and soon began filming the first season of her hit reality show, The Simple Life, in which she and real-life best friend Paris Hilton starred as two socialites hilariously attempting menial jobs. With her quick-wit and down-to-earth personality, Richie quickly became a household name, but with fame came more problems. 

Her friendship with Hilton began to turn toxic. “Paris was considered the star of the show and the big name, but Nicole was the one who drove it. That seemed to bug Paris,” dishes the insider, noting that the stars had a falling out but have since reconnected. 

Richie’s petite frame was also shrinking, leading to rumors of an eating disorder. After gaining weight in rehab, the insider says the reality star became obsessed with slimming down and dieting. 

“People were whispering about anorexia because her bones were popping out of her skin and her wrists looked like they might snap in two,” shares the insider. “There were even stories out there that she’d taken to wearing children’s size pants because they were the only ones that fit.” 

Richie admitted she’d lost too much weight. “I know I’m too thin right now. I’m not happy with the way I look,” she stated, and she later revealed she was diagnosed with hypoglycemia, caused by dangerously low blood sugar levels. 

“She was plagued by weight loss and fainting spells,” says the insider. “It was a frightening time.” But in late 2006, Richie’s life took a positive turn when she started dating Madden. “We met and were partners from day one,” she’s said of the Good Charlotte singer, 41. 
