New York City Busts Decline, Overdose Deaths Soar - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


July 30, 2022 – Before their son Paul fatally overdosed on fentanyl-laced cocaine, Robert and Donna Mina of Staten Island recall few, if any services to help him — and allegedly little effort from the NYPD to track down who sold the drugs which killed him. 

 “As far as the city, there was really nothing available. He worked with the Parks Department, but no, what the city had open for him was an open market for selling drugs,” the father said.

The couple claims hospitals wouldn’t take in Paul, 32, for detox unless he was drunk. And Donna Mina noted the needle exchange centers didn’t help.

“I mean, it’s like just saying, ‘Here it is,’ ” she said. 

An NYPD detective assigned to investigate their son’s September 2020 death was kind at first, but ultimately didn’t return their calls.

“Effectively this means that drug sales have been legalized,” O’Donnell said of the state stats. “The chances of being apprehended committing one of these serious felony crimes are extraordinarily remote.” 
