New Meth Addiction Treatment - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


May 26, 2022 – Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare now has eight billboards around the city advertising a “new effective addiction treatment for meth, opioids, alcohol.” What is unusual here is the use of the words “meth” and “treatment” together. “We’re pretty desperate for tools, better tools,” said Tracy Winn, the Medical Director of Substance Use at Cascadia Behavioral Healthcare.

Naltrexone is traditionally used to treat alcohol and opioid addiction by blocking receptors in the brain. Bupropion is prescribed as an anti-depressant and to help people stop smoking.

“The one hand we’re replacing dopamine to help people feel better. And then on the other hand, we’re blocking opiates so that if people do continue to use, it’s less interesting, it’s not as rewarding. It doesn’t feel as good,” Winn said. “It’s like a positive and a negative put together.”
