Timothy Leary’s Not Dead –

June 4, 2020 – Besides age, education level was a big predictor for trends in LSD use. People with college degrees increased their LSD use by over 70 percent, while people without higher educations decreased their use. People with who graduated high school but didn’t attend college decreased their use by 24 percent, while those didn’t graduate high school decreased their use by 44 percent.  

Some other changes in LSD use emerged among different demographics: By race, people identifying as multi-racial increased their LSD use the most, with a small decrease among non-Hispanic white and no change among African Americans. Non-Hispanic whites remained the largest racial group of LSD users, at over 71 percent in 2018. By sexuality, people identifying as bisexual increased their use the most, although 83 percent of LSD users in 2018 identified as heterosexual.

The researchers also looked at other drug-use patterns for people who use LSD. People who use LSD were increasingly likely, they found, to use certain other illegal drugs, including cocaine and marijuana. Interestingly, there was a massive increase—of over 277 percent—in LSD users’ use of GHB.
