Jujubee on Addiction - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

Sweet Sobriety –  

JULY, 25 2020 – In the future, how do you hope to give a platform to others?

First, is just to really listen to people and hear them. With the moment that’s going on right now, I want to be available to speak about Black Lives Matter and have an open conversation about trans lives because if they become voiceless, what’s going to happen to us?

What would you do with the prize money?

I would buy my cats a whole lot of treats. 

It was so meaningful to see you share your journey with sobriety on All Stars. What advice would you give to others who are struggling with addiction?

Take it one day at a time. For me, it was important that I found a higher power that was greater than myself. Get in touch with your soul. It’s OK to ask for help. 

You also got RuPaul to open about his own struggles, which is no easy task. How did it feel to commune in that moment?

To hear RuPaul share some of his deepest thoughts with me felt really humbling and felt real. I needed that moment, and I think he needed it too. I was grateful that side of him was shown. 

In the last episode, who were you most excited to see emerge from behind the glory hole, and why?

I knew that Derrick Barry would be behind it because he is a glory hole. Who doesn’t love Derrick Barry. I think he needs to come back for every season. 

Your final runway was just heavenly. (Eat that, Santino Rice.) Can you share more about how it was designed?

I wanted to depict the highest form of a spiritually centered being and that was exactly what I got to do. I worked with Diego Montoya. It has always been my dream to depict this person and we got it. 
