Jerry Garcia Gone 28 Years Today - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Aug. 8, 2023 – Grateful Dead guitarist Jerry Garcia was born on August 1, 1942 and died on August 9, 1995 at the age of 53. Each year, the “Days Between” Garcia’s birthday and the anniversary of his death mark a period of time to reflect on and celebrate the beloved musician’s life and career.

On January 20, 1970, Grateful Dead guitarist Jerry Garcia entered MGM Studios in Los Angeles and according to recorded “his only solo electric guitar performance” that was released as an official track. 

The purpose of the recording session was to contribute to the soundtrack of director Michelangelo Antonioni’s experimental film, Zabriskie Point, which premiered weeks later on February 5, 1970, and featured Garcia’s instrumental improvised solo guitar track “Love Scene.”

Days later, on February 11 when the Dead were in New York City for a run at the Fillmore East, Garcia spoke with journalist Howard Smith about the recent session at MGM Studios. Garcia told Smith he was screened part of the film and played along to it while tapes rolled.

As its title implies, Garcia described the part of the movie he was shown as “a whole lot of people balling in Death Valley.” (Garcia noted one of the actors “balling in Death Valley” was likely Bill Walker, who designed the cover art for the Dead’s 1969 album Anthem Of The Sun).