‘I yelled, “I’m putting this up your nose”’: what it’s like to use Narcan - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


May 30, 2023 – Naloxone, better known by the brand name Narcan, reverses overdoses by binding to the opioid receptors in the brain, blocking the effects of drugs such as fentanyl or heroin. Harm reduction workers say it should be as ubiquitous in Americans’ homes as dental floss or hand sanitizer, but not enough people have access to it.

The FDA recently approved selling naloxone over the counter. By late summer, it could be on shelves at convenience stores, supermarkets, and other retailers that do not have a pharmacy.

The Guardian spoke with four people who have used Narcan to reverse overdoses. All of them said it was a quick and intuitive process that was easy to follow, even in the most emotionally intense situation.
