How One Alcoholic Drink Raises Risk Irregular Heartbeat - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Sept. 2, 2021 – “This demonstrates that whenever we consume alcohol, it is presumably having a nearly immediate effect on the electrical workings of our hearts,” Gregory Marcus, an author of the study and a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, told The New York Times.

While the study links alcohol consumption to a higher chance of atrial fibrillation, it adds that this study is evidence that preventative behavior can enforce positive health outcomes.

“Individual [atrial fibrillation] episodes were associated with higher odds of recent alcohol consumption, providing objective evidence that a modifiable behavior may influence the probability that a discrete AF event will occur,” the report concludes.

Notably, 85 percent of study participants were white, with the average age hovering at 64 years old, which limits its applicability to a broader population.
