How One Mom Overcame Opioids to Help Others  - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Dec. 20, 2024 – When meeting Jodi Borrelli, it’s hard to believe that several years ago, she was addicted to heroin, living on the streets and was wanted by the Sheriff’s Department. Her addiction to drugs started innocently after the mother of three injured her shoulder coaching her son in baseball. “All of a sudden, that one Vicodin doesn’t work, then you’re taking two. Then you go to the doctor. Well this just isn’t cutting it anymore,” said Borrelli.

Borrelli became addicted after she said her doctor overprescribed pain medication. She went from taking 5 milligrams of Vicodin to 30 milligrams of Oxycodone. When the pills couldn’t satisfy her growing hunger to get high, she turned to smoking pills and hid her addiction from her children.

“I remember specifically my daughter knocking on the bathroom door saying ‘Mom, why won’t you come out and play with me?’ But I was stuck in the bathroom getting my fix,” said Borrelli.

She was sent to treatment twice but ended up leaving early. That’s when she tried heroin for the first time.

“I let someone shoot me up,” recalled Borrelli. “I overdosed in their front yard and I woke up with a water hose on me.  And I didn’t stop.”

Ashamed and filled with guilt, Borrelli left her kids — 12, 13, and 17 at the time — and ended up homeless. She spent nights huddled in a doorway or sleeping in a tent. She started stealing to support her habit.  She would brazenly walk out of department stores with high-end jeans and makeup stores with a bag full of products.

Borrelli was booked into jail 23 times and ended up on the Washington State Patrol’s Washington’s Most Wanted.