Hope Solo, US Women’s Soccer Legend Will Start Treatment For Her Alcoholism - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


May 1, 2022 – Through a statement published on social networks, the American explained: “I will voluntarily enter a program as an alcohol treatment patient to address my alcohol problems” adding: “Right now, my energies and attention are totally directed towards my health, my recovery and the care of my family.”

On May 21, He was only going to participate in the ceremony to enter the United States Soccer Hall of Fame. In the letter, he announced that he had already contacted the authorities and that it was decided to postpone his entry to 2023. “I want to thank you for the support and understanding of my decision,” wrote the former athlete who retired in 2016. At the end of March, the former goalkeeper of the national team USA She was detained by police officers when she was in a hypermarket parking lot in North Carolina aboard his vehicle with his two children. Although hours later she was released, she was charged with three charges: for Driving Under the Influence (DWI), Resisting Arrest, and Misdemeanor Endangering Minors (Your Children).
