Harm Reduction Works: An Exciting New Alternative to Narcotics Anonymous - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

No Harm, No Foul –

May 19, 2020 – Meghan Hetfield, who works in family planning and peer recovery in Catskill, New York, told Filter that she found the answer just before the virus swept across North America.

“I used to utilize 12-step support groups at different times in my personal recovery and I really missed that human connection and that community that I had when I was attending those meetings,” she began. “I’ve really missed that aspect of my life. And yet, philosophically, I’m feeling a little bit differently now than the 12 Steps.”

Listening to the drug policy podcast Narcotica one night, Hetfield heard Tilley describe a new model of support group. With her nonprofit, HRH413, Tilley recounted experimenting with a model not dissimilar from NA. But instead of placing abstinence at the center of everything, it roots itself in harm reduction.
