February 2 Addiction Recovery eBulletin - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

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February 2, 2016                   Treatment Industry & Recovery Community News                   Vol. 3., No. 25
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Walk This Way
Steven Tyler Opens Up About “humongous” Drug Addiction    

The 67-year-old has been open about his battle with drugs throughout his career, and during an appearance on The Howard Stern Show on Tuesday, he opened up about the efforts he makes to stay clean. “I was a humongous, to-die-for drug addict,” he explained, “but I keep it in check. I’ve got a 12-step thing that I do. (I’m) out of the rabbit hole.” Despite being drug-free now, Steven isn’t naive enough to think he’ll never slip back into his old ways at some point in the future.

Life On Life Terms, Or Not
Antidepressants … Raise Risk of Suicide, Finds Biggest Review Ever    

Antidepressants can raise the risk of suicide, the biggest ever review has found, as pharmaceutical companies were accused of failing to report side-effects and even deaths linked to the drugs. An analysis of 70 trials of the most common anti-depressants – involving more than 18,000 people – found they doubled the risk of suicide and aggressive behavior in under 18s.CONTINUED @ Telegraph.co.uk  

Watching Weight Watchers  VIDEO
Oprah Discusses Food Addiction… “If You Overeat, It’s Hard to Hide That” VIDEO 

“At the end of a 17 lb. gain, I just thought, ‘Wow, there has got to be a way that I can eat what I want and not feel obsessed with the idea of what I’m not getting.’ Because the moment you tell me that I’m not going to have carbs, that’s all I can think about, is when I’m going to get a potato. So, it’s taken that obsession out of it for me,” she said. “I know I’m going to manage it.”

Mark Lundholm Steps It Up VIDEO
Ex-Drug Addict Has Unique Approach to Helping Kids VIDEO     

One night, he put a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. It jammed. He decided that God had a larger plan for him and checked into detox. Now, 28 years later, he tours the country speaking at rehab centers, prisons, churches, and high schools. He doesn’t preach or teach, he just gives straight-talk about choices and consequences. Watch Local 4’s Steve Garagiola’s interview with Lundholm…

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Downloads Not Downers
“American Addict 2” Filmmakers Forfeit Profit: Release Film for Free    

Filmmaker/Activist, Gregory A. Smith, M.D., and Director Sasha Knezev of the award winning film, “American Addict” are announcing the release of “American Addict 2-The Big Lie”. As a public service, they are forfeiting for-profit distribution, and making the film available for free (www.drgregorysmith.com) to expose the public to the real reasons behind the epidemic of prescription drug addiction and the suppression of natural alternatives.

Business As Usual
Why Are Doctors Writing Opioid Prescriptions After An Overdose?     

A group of researchers at Boston Medical Center recently looked at nearly 3,000 patients who had survived an opioid-related overdose between 2000 and 2012. … over 90% of these patients continued to receive opioid medications from doctors – even after their overdose. Given the soaring numbers of opioid-related overdose deaths and heightened scrutiny on how these medications are being over-prescribed, the study findings are alarming and disturbing.

Getting Sober, One Selfie At a Time     

A study released by Recovery.org in late July 2015 called “Socially sober” examined 79,000 Instagram posts in the United States and found #soberlife was far and away the most popular way that people tagged their recovery photos. In the course of the analysis, it was mentioned 32,707 times, and a current Instagram search turns up more than 236,000 results.

CONTINUED @ KernelMag.DailyDot.com 

Something in the Water Tonight
“There was a massive hole in my life”: Phil Collins Discusses Battle with Alcoholism 

He’s one of the most successful solo artists of all time having sold 150 million albums worldwide … But despite his myriad of achievements, Phil Collins, 64, hit the self destruct button in 2008 when he turned to alcohol after divorcing his third wife … She relocated to Miami with the couple’s two sons Nicholas, 10, and Matthew, 14, leaving Collins alone in the Swiss town of Féchy.

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Rutland, Vt. Hits Bottom  AUDIO
Tragedy Moves A Community To Combat Drug Addiction NPR AUDIO     

When it comes to fighting addiction, they say you have to hit bottom. For Rutland, Vt., a town of 17,000 devastated by heroin, the bottom came in September 2012. A popular high school senior was struck and killed by a driver who was high. Local resident Joe Kraus says the tragedy galvanized the community. “People who perhaps never would have gotten involved in a meaningful way decided it was time to get involved,” he says.

Explosive Evidence Against Trendiness Addiction
An E-Cigarette Goes Boom in Teen’s Face  

An Alberta teen who lit up an e-cigarette was rushed to the hospital after the device exploded in his face, leaving him with second-degree burns and broken teeth. “It lit my kid’s face on fire,” said Perry Greer, father of Lethbridge 16-year-old Ty Greer who purchased the detonating e-cig, during an interview with the Canadian Press. According to his dad, Ty recently purchased a Chinese-manufactured e-cig called Wotofo Phantom…

CONTINUED @ Vice.com 

Onward and Upward
Recovery & Resiliency Program Emphasizes Hope and Life     

The Recovery & Resiliency Program was about celebrating achievements, successes and at times individuals being able to not only to get sober but to live a life alcohol and drug free … “This isn’t about anonymous but recover in the open,” Baldonado said. “Being clean and sober shouldn’t be about hiding at home or not having a life. This is a hope for the future.” The program featured seven speakers throughout the day that spoke on addictive behaviors, medication assisted treatment, the recovery movement, spirituality and yoga.

Willingness IS The Key  NPR AUDIO
How Meditation, Placebos And Virtual Reality Help Power ‘Mind Over Body’ NPR AUDIO     

During the course of her research, Marchant also investigated the science behind the placebo effect, hypnosis, meditation, prayer and conditioning. She says that the healing power of the brain could offer a powerful complement to modern medicine. “That’s a whole different approach to pain that I think tells us that drugs aren’t the only answer,” she says.

American Nightmare
Blame US Overdose Crisis on Socioeconomic Misery     

“The number of people now dying from drug overdose is comparable to the number dying annually from AIDS during the peak of the AIDS epidemic in the mid-90s,” Talking Points Memo editor Josh Marshall wrote on Jan. 26. The comparison puts the current drug-overdose epidemic in perspective, but the more important parallel here is that both crises were caused, at least in part, by inequality and the deprivation and despair that inequality creates.

New Ways to New Lives
The Online Program That May Revolutionize Addiction Treatment 

Unlike other therapy methods that work by delving into the subconscious motivations behind behavior, the theory behind cognitive behavioral therapy is that people are creatures of routine. Certain types of experiences act as triggers of drug and alcohol use, which, for people with addiction problems, can spiral out of control. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps people become aware of their personal triggers and steer around them.

CONTINUED @ KernelMag.DailyDot.com 


  2016 Experience, Strength & Hope Awards


Ed Begley Jr. HOST
Comedian, Alonzo Bodden HEADLINER
Bob Forrest, Spoken Word
Elizabeth Edwards, Singer
Tony Denison
John Taylor

Tuesday, February 16, 2016   

Skirball Cultural Center
2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90049   
Call for more information:

Catered Networking Reception: 5:30-7:30 
Show: 7:30-9:30

Heroin Goes to Super Bowl – No One Wins
Duh Bears  VIDEO
Ex-Bear Great Jim McMahon: Medical Marijuana Got Me Off Narcotics VIDEO 

Former Super Bowl champion and Chicago Bears quarterback Jim McMahon says an unfairly demonized drug helped him recover from the pain of his football career: medical marijuana. McMahon was in Chicago this week, where he attended Tuesday’s Bears reunion marking the 30th anniversary of their Super Bowl victory. He was also featured in an ESPN “30 for 30” screening of a documentary about the team, which includes a focus on his health struggles.

Extended Prayer
Arizona Bill to Regulate Sober Homes    

A House committee passed a bill Monday to regulate sober living homes after hearing testimony from Prescott residents about problems the homes are creating in their communities. We have no idea what’s happening in these houses,” Campbell said. “It’s not a Democrat or Republican issue. It is a health, safety and wellness issue.”… Eric Jordan, a resident who retired in Prescott, said he lives beside a sober living home whose members have violent outbursts and toss their cigarette butts over the home’s balcony railing.

Make It a Double
Caffeine Unlikely to Make Hearts Jittery    

That extra morning espresso, chai tea, or plain old cup of joe may give you a buzz, but it probably will not make your heart take extra beats, according to findings from a study examining the impact of food and drink consumption on cardiac ectopy.Based on data gathered in community-dwelling participants in the Cardiovascular Health Study, there was no evidence that frequent consumption of caffeine-containing foods, including coffee, tea, or chocolate, had any impact…


Business Is Booming
Overdose Hospitalizations + 225% in PA   

I don’t have a simple answer for hospitals. I feel bad for the hospitals being inundated with these kinds of people and then they don’t have the beds to even admit these patients, perhaps where they need to be, overnight,” he adds. Rural areas actually saw a bigger jump in overdose hospitalizations than urban areas. One note: the data only measures people who stay overnight – many more people come to a hospital emergency room for an overdose but are never admitted.


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Dunk In Donuts
Researchers at Texas Tech Devour  Food Addiction     

Symptoms of food addiction:
– Cravings for certain foods
– Often eating much more than intended
– Eating to the point of feeling excessively full
– Feeling guilty after eating particular foods, yet eating them again despite intentions not to
– Making excuses about eating something one is craving … MORE

Health Tip
Secrets of a Good Night’s Slumber     

The study, commissioned by The Sleep Apnoea Trust, revealed that 46 per cent of women admitted to having trouble sleeping. As well as leaving you feeling tired, sleep problems can have a detrimental effect on your health, mood and productivity. It can slow down your metabolism and make you irritable and restless. While the ideal amount of sleep needed differs from person to person, most people need between seven and nine hours. Yet there are many things that can take their toll on the quality of sleep, including stress and anxiety.

NOT Sovereign Health
Search Warrants Executed at Drug Treatment Center     

Search warrants are being executed Thursday in connection with a sexual abuse investigation at a drug treatment center … The investigation involves the Iowa DCI, Special Enforcement Operations Bureau, Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, Iowa DCI Crime Lab Crime Scene Team, State Fire Marshal Division, Iowa State Patrol Division of Intelligence and Fusion Center, along with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Lee County Sheriff’s Office.

Sponsors include: Breathe LA, Hotel California, His House/New Creation…


Without A Reservation
Hotel Heir Conrad Hilton Ordered Into Drug Treatment     

Hotel heir Conrad Hilton has been ordered into substance abuse treatment after failing drug tests and violating his probation … A Los Angeles judge on Tuesday ordered Hilton into a residential treatment program for at least 90 days. The judge rejected a request by authorities to put Hilton behind bars for 60 days. The 21-year-old was sentenced to probation and community service last year after pleading guilty to disrupting a British Airways flight. Authorities say he violated probation by trespassing, failing drug tests, failing to complete three treatment programs and traveling out of California without permission from his probation officer.

CONTINUED @ TimesUnion.com 

Changing Deck Chairs On The Titanic
Pharmaceuticals to Cure Marijuana Dependence and Abuse?     

One drug slightly reduces pot smoking, but can cause depression, anxiety and “unusual sensations.” Any takers? Researchers looking for a drug to treat “marijuana dependence and abuse” may have found one, but the cure could be worse than the disease. A team of scientists at Brown University conducted a pilot study to determine whether topiramate, an epilepsy drug marketed as Topamax, could be combined with motivational enhancement therapy to make MET more effective in reducing marijuana consumption.

CONTINUED @ Alternet.org  

GABOR of Perception
Why This Doctor Believes Addictions Start In Childhood     

A renowned speaker, and bestselling author, Dr. Gabor Maté is highly sought after for his expertise on a range of topics including addiction, stress and childhood development. What causes drug addiction? One Canadian physician argues that the problem isn’t the drugs themselves. Dr. Gabor Maté believes – based on research and his own experience working at harm reduction clinics in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, a poor area that has one of the worst drug problems in North America – that the root of addictive behaviors can be traced all the way back to childhood.

CONTINUED @ ChoopersGuide.com 

The Doctor’s Opinion
Dr. Gabor Maté reviews:  “Wasted     

Wasted reads like two books in one. The first forms the substance, in both content and interest. A vividly written page-turner, it relates a sensitive human being’s descent through the inferno of alcoholic despair, and his redemption, even as death stares him in the face. The second attempts to present the science of substance dependence and addiction treatment in a brief 70 pages.

New Pharma News
How Brain Disease Model … Drives Innovation in Drug Development     

On the prevention side, much of the innovation has focused on developing abuse-deterrent opioids to allow patients to enjoy the benefits of pain management, while decreasing the risk of abuse. Two relatively new contributions to this class include Targiniq ER from Purdue and Zohydro from Zogenix. As the FDA continues to solidify its guidance on development of abuse-deterrent opioids, there is evidence that they are at least somewhat effective…When BioPharma Dive spoke to Titan’s President, Sunil Bhonsle, at last summer’s BIO convention, he explained the advantages of using Probuphine versus taking buprenorphone pills.

Thrive In Recovery – Feb. 11  Sold Out
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Go Make a Movie
REEL Recovery Film Festival

eBulletin Publisher & Editor: Leonard Buschel

© 2016 Addiction/Recovery eBulletin