Doing The Same Thing About Overdoses and Expecting Different Results - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Dec. 22, 2022 – “There is something going on here that we, as a nation, are devouring drugs — prescription and illegal drugs at rates not seen in humanity — not seen anyplace else on the planet Earth,” said Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.).

He wanted to know why.

Cheryl Healton, founding dean of the School of Global Public Health at New York University and a witness at the hearing, replied: “That is a very difficult question. Why do we use drugs? Humans have been using mind-altering substances for —”

Booker interrupted. “This is not a human problem,” he said. “It is an American problem.” 

In the six years since that hearing, the opioid epidemic has morphed into a fentanyl-fueled catastrophe. It’s the worst drug epidemic in the nation’s history.
