WATCH – Reel Recovery Film –

Oct. 1, 2020 – Justin was my heart with legs. Now, he is my heart with wings. Part of me is with him. I will never be who I was before his death. However, I want to be clear that part of me is fed and healed from the relationships I have with people who are in recovery. My hope is that we begin to see addiction not as a stigma but as something to overcome, just like any other challenge we have. I hope we find connection and healing through conversations and this message,” says Duhaime.

One is available on Amazon. If you’re a prime member, it’s free. If not, it costs $2.99 to rent. There’s also a downloadable discussion guide so you can have the important conversations with family and friends.

Duhaime says the money brought in by the project goes right back to the local programs of Spring Green.
