Differential Diagnosis! What is It and Why is It Important? - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Oct.9, 2023 – You may not have all the necessary information about your loved one’s situation, which can make accessing the proper treatment tricky.

For example, you may be concerned about mood swings and suspect your loved one has bipolar disorder, when in fact they have been using opioids and cocaine. Similarly, a person could be diagnosed with a cannabis (marijuana) use disorder without considering that there may be something else going on or at the root of the issue, like anxiety or a trauma.

Finding the right treatment is more difficult when loved ones don’t report everything that is going on in their lives. When they are referred for help for a mental health disorder, they often can be reluctant to talk about their substance use. Similarly, loved ones being evaluated for substance use problems will often avoid discussing emotional or behavioral problems. 
