BOOK REVIEW - Unstitched: My Journey to Understand Opioid Addiction - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


Jan. 22, 2022 – Unable to let it go, she comes to believe seeking knowledge and understanding about opioid addiction, how to overcome addiction and the nature of the disease itself, is her only path and she takes us along on her journey. She seeks out experts and former addicts, asking searching and fundamental questions, and as she does so, we learn more and more. She brings us along with her. Along the way, she peppers her narrative with the small, beautiful moments of her quintessentially Vermont life — her garden, the swimming hole, life with her children, and that immediacy brings an authenticity to the book that makes it all the more human. Stanciu’s book is, in many respects, for her, but it’s also for us, Vermonters, addicts, family members of addicts, anyone who has lost loved ones to the opioid crisis, and it’s written in such an accessible manner that I found it difficult to put down. 
