Alcoholic? Gets 30-To-Life for Crash That Killed 3 People - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


April 8, 2022 – A Rialto driver who killed three people during a high-speed crash in Irvine has been sentenced to 30-years-to-life in prison after admitting to causing the DUI-fueled, two-car collision not far from the UC Irvine campus.

Jeremy Wayne Greenwood pleaded guilty last week to three second-degree murder counts, as well as a pair of DUI charges, and admitted to a sentencing enhancement for causing great bodily injury in connection with the July 1, 2017 crash on Harvard Avenue at Michelson Drive.

Greenwood, now 35, was accused of driving his 2015 Infiniti Q50 while intoxicated around 3 a.m. on Harvard at approximately 85 miles per hour. He ran a red light, prosecutors alleged, and struck a 2014 Hyundai Elantra that was traveling westbound on Michelson through the intersection on a green light.
