Alcohol Can Have Surprising Effects on Your Hair - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


April 7, 2022 – First, too much booze on a regular basis can weaken your hair and lead to breakage. Alcohol can “inflame your scalp, so if you have any scalp-related issues, it exacerbates them,” says Gregorio Ruggeri, a hairstylist and trichologist in New York City. “It chokes the follicle of the hair, which prevents it from living to its full life expectancy. It strangles it, and your hair then becomes really fragile and thin.”

Next, there’s the dehydration factor. “Alcohol can dehydrate you just in general,” says Dr. Kazin. “And so if you’re overall dehydrated, potentially that could cause dehydration of your skin. Since the scalp is skin, just covered by a lot of hair, that could potentially cause dehydration and dryness there, too.” A dry scalp can get uncomfortably flakey, itchy, and sensitive due to a lack of natural oils, and the hair growing out of it will likely lack elasticity and shine and be more prone to breakage.
