A Happy News Year Letter - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin

From the Editors –

December 29, 2020 – As the year finally comes to an end and the world transitions into 2021, there is one overarching emotion suffusing our mission. Gratitude. Yes, gratitude for every reader of the Addiction/Recovery eBulletin who trusts us to provide a unique interpersonal connection by sharing all the news you can use for that intoxicating cocktail of amusement and information that makes the truth easier to swallow. Gratitude to our advertisers and virtual event sponsors who realize the intrinsic value of maintaining visibility among colleague and clients who would most benefit from their services.

2020 made healthy living a multi-level challenge for recovering individuals and behavioral healthcare facilities, industries and private enterprises striving to improve and save lives every day of the year.  Non-profits certainly lived up to their tax-exempt status, while for profit treatment centers struggled against financial relapse.
