A Pale Blue Dot - Addiction/Recovery eBulletin


168,621 views since Dec 19, 2012 – A visual response to the famed ‘Pale Blue Dot’ monologue, where Prof. Carl Sagan muses on Earth’s appearance in a photograph taken by the Voyager 1 space probe 3.7 billion miles away from our planet. The most distant photograph ever taken of Earth. I had wanted to bring visuals to these magnificent words for some time and finished this after working on it periodically for 4 months, for more than 250 hours.

I created this piece almost 12 years ago now, it was my first (and only) time creating something that went viral, with over 750k views over on Vimeo, it became my calling card as a professional animator and motion graphics designer. It lead to meetings, approaches and work with a whole raft of fantastic clients. It was featured in Creative Review, iO9 and Marginalia, as well as shown at various Ted Talks and animation/film festivals around the world, from Edinburgh Science Festival, a Tedx at the Scott Base in Antarctica to an animation festival in Long Island, New York.

Also Stephen Fry, Prof. Brian Cox, Robin Ince, Chris Addison, Amanda Palmer as well as Carl Sagan’s daughter Sasha Sagan (something which pleased me especially!) – tweeted about it and made some very nice comments.